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Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Is there a good informative genetic based site that explains why this wouldn't happen.Litter of puppies for sale both yellow and black out of 2 yellow parents. The breeders ( first litter) insist that this is "normal" and have been told by 2 long time breeders that they are correct. To me two yellows cannot produce black puppies as they can't "carry Black" If they "carry" black they would be black.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

It has to be a mismating... I would contact AKC and they'll make them do a DNA on all the pups. It's beyond me how they can even register any blacks from that litter!

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

When I questioned them this was their response via e-mail........

Yes it is possible to have black from yellow and yellow. It is apparently very rare but can happen if both parents have black in their genes.

The Labrador breeder that I got my dog from, who is very experienced, has never had that happen herself but she had heard of it happening before elsewhere.

She was at a dog show yesterday and spoke to an even more experienced Labrador breeder (28 years) about the fact that my dog had 2 black puppies and she stated that it was possible but it was very rare

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Yes, it is rare. Very rare. Extremely rare. Almost impossibly rare. So rare that I would not trust the parentage on that litter without DNA. And, whoever her experienced breeder is should be telling her to get out the cheek swabs! Bad advice if it is any different than than.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?



it is so rare - that if it comes back as being the real thing, invest in Lehman Brothers Stock.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Better do DNA. A black boy was in there somewhere. Not possible. Would check this out soon.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

In the world of genetics, nothing is impossible. Some combination could just occur and viola!

If it was a mix up, ok, but I certainly wouldn't just attack someone's honor.

I think that it is great we have the tool of DNA testing, now, to settle it by furthur science. I would be so facinated by the results and implications if DNA proves both yellow parents............magic is humbling, because really that is what reproduction is, sort of magic.

I have long ago discussed this exact colour issue with UK and US reputable long timers with impeccable ethics and tons of experience and they had all seen this strange phenomenon of 2 yellows throwing a black now and again as well as chocolates throwing black. All kinds of strange coat colour issues are still being ironed out. Even with the available tool of a gene colour test, it is not 100% guaranteed.

I have personally seen 2 chocolates producing black puppies, it was pretty much a mindbender! They did do DNA and both parents were chocolate, not carrying yellow, and the black and chocolate offspring were verified. I am still amazed on that one.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?


Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

I beg to differ. About 16 years ago, (She lays at my feet) I had a 'mismark'. A black puppy produced from two yellow parents, she is all black but a small yellow spot on her left flank. About 4 years ago, I did a DNA test on her, being I was still lucky enough to have both the sire and dam. DNA says parentage is correct, I had never questioned it, because I had only one male and one female, but it was nice to have a little reassurance. She was the odd man out in a litter of 11 yellow puppies.

I kept her, as she was very nice, very nice pedigree, and heck, she was original. She got her JH and had a few points to her name (shown in Bred By or Open Black).

As a note of interest, she was bred to a yellow. Had 9 yellow puppies.

I would highly doubt two puppies in one litter though. But it is possible to have a seemingly black puppy in a litter, though not probable. I repeated the breeding of my girl's sire and dam and not one puppy had the slightest mismark.

??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Why would you breed a mismark?
Do breeders breed their mismarks?
Help me out here?
Also, can 2 chocolates produce black puppies if they are chocolate carrying black? (Just making sure)

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Why would you breed a mismark?
Do breeders breed their mismarks?
Help me out here?
Also, can 2 chocolates produce black puppies if they are chocolate carrying black? (Just making sure)

I don't know about breeding mismarks, I never had a mismarked pup except a little white on the chest.

As others said about yellow to yellow producing black, it happens but it's very rare.

I don't know why some of you won't believe a rare occurence can happen. I never had a litter of yellow to yellow with a black but have heard of it happening, rarely. Chocolate to chocolate producing black is also rare.

To jump the gun, call it a mismating & advise contacting AKC about DNA testing--Jackie,Black Sands that is wrong. I hope no-one ever gives advice like that about any of your breedings. I don't think you would like it. Just b/c it hasn't happened to either of us, doesn't mean it can't happen.

Both situations are rare but I have heard of them.

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Why would you breed a mismark?
Do breeders breed their mismarks?
Help me out here?
Also, can 2 chocolates produce black puppies if they are chocolate carrying black? (Just making sure)

On the chocolate to chocolate:
Now, this is supposedly impossible because they are on the same gene locus, so chocolate cannot "carry" black. BUT, like I mentioned, I saw a litter of chocolate to chocolate, DNA all verified, 7 chocolate and 2 black puppies. Now, 4 breeders with over 20 plus-40 plus years each in the breed, it was ONCE. Even pre DNA parent testing it was not seen, so it was of great interest that this litter did get verified parentage. No answer how it happened.

I also think to the poster with the black from yellows and having done the DNA proof of parentage, how could there be more discussion? That seems proof, it was scientifically verified. THANK YOU for posting because that makes 2 incidents VERIFIED BY SCIENCE, just in this little post on a bitty forum.

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Why would you breed a mismark?
Do breeders breed their mismarks?
Help me out here?
Also, can 2 chocolates produce black puppies if they are chocolate carrying black? (Just making sure)

Quite simply...she was a lovely girl, passed her clearances, had a lovely pedigree, and so I bred her. I also wanted to breed her to a yellow, to see how she would produce, curiosity of course. All of the puppies, except for her son, went to pet homes. I own her son, who is 12 years old this month.

Why wouldn't you breed a mismark? I've seen some blacks with a larger spot of white on the chest or large bolos etc bred from. Yes, genetically she is yellow, but she certainly looks black :)

??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Did you DNA test your girl to find out if she would produce mismark puppies before breeding? Just curious.. I believe that would be the K locus test?....

Labs with white on the chest is acceptable....

I have not hear from a lot of the breeders only whatever ... Would you breed a mismark? If you did, you would have her DNA tested for K locus to find out if the dog would produce a miskmark?

Just curious as to what the masses would do...

??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Good question regarding Choc-Choc
going to call VetGen to find out a little more for my education..

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Provided everything else was great I wouldn't have a problem breeding a mismark. And, I do find this extremely interesting that a black could come from two yellows and that the black puppy is technically a mismark? That is pretty cool if you ask me. I don't know that I would try and repeat that...but it is cool that it can happen.

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Unfortunately, you cannot show a mismark....

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Did you DNA test your girl to find out if she would produce mismark puppies before breeding? Just curious.. I believe that would be the K locus test?....

No I did not, because it was a loooong time ago. I could still test her, but I don't feel the need.

Her son was tested and he is simply yellow. He never produced a mismark in his 6 litters.

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Years ago I had a yellow girl with a darker yellow splash mark on her inner thigh. I did show her and she was eventually a BISS CH. Her splash mark was hardly noticeable. She had three large litters and never produced a mis-mark to my knowledge.

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Unfortunately, you cannot show a mismark....

You are mostly correct, I showed mine and no one noticed. She had 4 points.

Re: ??????????- Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Unfortunately, you cannot show a mismark....

You are mostly correct, I showed mine and no one noticed. She had 4 points. I also noted, as did several breeders under the tent with me at the Potomac, one girl in Open yellow with a quarter sized black dot on her rear right leg.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

This is totally amazing. Just when you think something is incontrovertible! My question would be-can a dominant black rarely produce yellow?

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

JMO - I'd guess that anything IS possible while at the same time may be quite unlikely!

Yellow to yellow producing black ?

I called Vetgen and they said 2 yellows producing a black - NO
2 chocolates producing a black - No
You can go to their website and send your color questions in....

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

While Vetgen may "know" the answers, Mother Nature RULES!

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

The DNA for parentage won't help if for some reason one of the parents is not as pure bred as they think. If a yellow to yellow mating produces a black pup, which actually is genetically impossiable, just as it is for silvers to be produced naturally within the breed. Both parents may very well be correct however the parents parents may not be all that they seem, and I would hazard a guess that in all cases of Black from yellow/ yellow or chocolate/chocolate this is a very strong possibility. Do Vetgen have anything on their site or do I have to ask that question.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

You have to go to their website and ask the question

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

When the Blue Knight site is up again, check out this link:

You'll see a very clear pictorial on what color dogs (with what colors they carry) if bred to a dog what they would or could produce.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Breeder Amazed
When the Blue Knight site is up again, check out this link:

You'll see a very clear pictorial on what color dogs (with what colors they carry) if bred to a dog what they would or could produce.

I wrote to blueknight. Their hosting "webserver" has been down off and on all day. She says when it has been up today it comes up very slow.

Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Just saw where a choc dam & black sire produced 9 puppies - 4 choc, 2 yellow & 3 black

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Both the sire and dam carried yellow in this case...

Yellow to yellow producing black ?

don't know, just saw it on an ad and thought it was interesting .... I didn't know that could happen.... Obviously, i'm very new with colors and this.... not stirring anything up just thought it was interesting...

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Both the sire and dam carried yellow in this case...

and chocolate....

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

ok, after a *very* long week at work and not being sure my mind is still functioning I would suppose that there could be a mutation at the exact location of the loci that affect color in any particular puppy (hard to imagine it could happen to 2 puppies in the same litter)...

Due to the extemely odd presentation of the puppies colors I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest DNA.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Ok so here is another question on coat colour genetic's. If you mate a yellow who doesn't carry chocolate to a chocolate who doesn't carry yellow, all the pups will be black, correct? Yet both of these colours are recessive and in "theoy" shouldn't be able to produce black when mated together.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Ok so here is another question on coat colour genetic's. If you mate a yellow who doesn't carry chocolate to a chocolate who doesn't carry yellow, all the pups will be black, correct? Yet both of these colours are recessive and in "theoy" shouldn't be able to produce black when mated together.

Normally, they would not produce anything but black.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

yes that is correct, but how does that work, I know they can't produce anything but black, just not sure how the genetic's work in a mating like that.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

yes that is correct, but how does that work, I know they can't produce anything but black, just not sure how the genetic's work in a mating like that.

I don't know. When you figure it out with a geneticist I would like to know. Right now, somehow there have been rare cases of colors that don't follow the usual. I'm not trained in genetics so I can't comment more than what I've said.

I think we have lots of genetic work to do when it comes to serious diseases in our breed, color is the least of our worries to be perfectly honest.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

This is a layman's explanation of these genetics:

The puppies are all black because the yellow that doesn't carry chocolate is eeBB (only black on the black/chocolate gene-pair) and the chocolate that doesn't carry yellow is EEbb (only black on the black/yellow gene-pair).

Big E is black on the black/yellow pair, little e is yellow on the black/yellow pair. Big B is black on the black/chocolate pair, little b is chocolate on the black/chocolate pair.

So, the yellow can only contribute a little e and big B, and the chocolate can only contribute a big E and a little b. The puppies will all be EeBb - which is black, with chocolate and yellow recessive.

Hope that makes sense

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Normally so
yes that is correct, but how does that work, I know they can't produce anything but black, just not sure how the genetic's work in a mating like that.

I don't know. When you figure it out with a geneticist I would like to know. Right now, somehow there have been rare cases of colors that don't follow the usual. I'm not trained in genetics so I can't comment more than what I've said.

I think we have lots of genetic work to do when it comes to serious diseases in our breed, color is the least of our worries to be perfectly honest.

Yes I do realise there are serious diseases within our breed, it is just that coat colour genetic's fascinate me.

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

Re: Yellow to yellow producing black ?

You can learn something everyday, this is huge.