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Potomac host hotel

WEll , they are all sold out! How nice.

Re: Potomac host hotel

That's what they say.. but it doesn't make sense. I've been trying for weeks to book, and "Suzie" at the hotel said that she was not posting the rooms on the computer until 5 days after last Thursday when she received the contract from LRCP. The 800 people say according to their computers, the rooms have been all booked - this was last week. I don't get it! How can that be. Suzie says that the club books all the rooms in a block. Well, they would book the ones that they need for judges but that isn't going to fill the whole hotel up.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I called yesterday, Sunday, May 10th. I was told to call Suzie at 10 a.m. this morning. I called at 10:05 this morning, and they are sold out.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I spoke with Suzie on Thursday of last week and for those who were already in contact with her and were put on the waiting list - should have received a call from her.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I've called every 3 days for the last month and spoke to Suzie several times. She told me that she absolutely would NOT be taking reservations because of what happened this year. She told me that she was "accused" of reserving rooms for "special" people and that it wasn't true and she would have nothing to do with reserving rooms this year. She said that once the contract was signed the rooms would be opened up to book on the website. I called first thing this morning to find out that they are booked :(

Re: Potomac host hotel

Why not book at a near by Hotel? Where the room rates are cheaper and you are not in the middle of a zoo?

Re: Potomac host hotel

I also got the run around. After my third call to the 800 number they told me that the club has 2 holds on reservations one for the Board & another for memebers. They have their computer noted to not let anyone make reservations because the hotel was taking them. You call the hotel and they say call the 800 number. Then if you insist on talking to Sue she tells you well you can hold, but there are 15 other people holding too. All I have to say is poor Sue . I don't think the club should have her involved in their mess.

Re: Potomac host hotel

Got My Room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am a happy girl!

Re: Potomac host hotel

To Anon,

The club had a signed contract which guaranteed a block of rooms at a reduced rate. The hotel reservation system ignored the contract and booked rooms at the regular rate. The contract rooms were then this why the current mess has evolved. The club, with a signed but ignored contract, is not the one you should be complaining about. The club does not own the hotel or book the rooms. You would think that a signed contract would have meant something last year, wouldn't you? That is why the situation is the way it is this year. What "club" mess are you talking about?

Re: Potomac host hotel

There are many other hotels near the show that are cheaper, more grass, less dogs and nicer rooms. Don't sweat it. Go somewhere else and get a good night's sleep for a change.

Re: Potomac host hotel

From talking to friends this morning, some made reservations through the Host Hotel (after calling many times and being in the 15 call waiting line)
and others were able to make the reservations through the 800 number.
I missed out but that is the luck of the draw.
Suzie was most gracious to anyone she spoke to even though some called late (like me) and all the rooms were gone.
It is a hard job to take care of all those reservations in such a short time period.
If you got a room, luck was with you.
if not there are plenty of rooms close by.
Take care all!

Re: Potomac host hotel

I agree with Lab owner. I also called many times and spoke with Suzie this morning. She was so gracious and patient that she is to be commended. When you think about the huge number of us who have been nicely bugging her and her staff over recent weeks and how patient they have been in return... I think we should be totally appreciative. I do think it is a matter of luck. I have friends who were dialing and redialing like crazy and kept getting a busy signal while other friends were able to get through after a couple of attempts. It is truly a matter of luck. We owe the hotel a huge thanks.
One confusing point--- the LRCP web site said to call the hotel NOT the 800 number but the hotel (including Suzie) told me we were supposed to call the 800#. that was confusing.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I was also told the same by Suzie. I did call the 800# and did get a room.

Question...why no Monday night? Only Tuesday through Friday. Not a problem, but just curious why the rooms were not released for Monday through Thursday or Friday?

This is such a circus every year, but shame on me for being sucked in every year! LOL

Now on to the parking, x-pen areas and popups.

Re: Potomac host hotel

It seems Suzie plays both sides. Suzie does hold rooms for people she deems that are friends of her and that have sent or given her gifts each year. Suzie also told people that she could not take reservations but then instructed some to book online. The hotel has continually ignored the contract they have signed creating a lot of confusion and heartburn; the LRCP can only sign a contract, they can't oversee through the hotel how the contract is upheld as far as reservations go. The block of rooms that the LRCP does book is for judges, stewards, the show chairmen and committee chairs not the general membership.

Re: Potomac host hotel

To Anon,

The club had a signed contract which guaranteed a block of rooms at a reduced rate. The hotel reservation system ignored the contract and booked rooms at the regular rate. The contract rooms were then this why the current mess has evolved. The club, with a signed but ignored contract, is not the one you should be complaining about. The club does not own the hotel or book the rooms. You would think that a signed contract would have meant something last year, wouldn't you? That is why the situation is the way it is this year. What "club" mess are you talking about?

"Beginning on Monday, May 11, 2009, reservations can be made at the host hotel by calling the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center at Francis Scott Key Mall, Frederick, Maryland, at 301-694-7500. Please DO NOT call the “800” number for Holiday Inn reservations. Any requests for special room arrangements must be made at the time of this call."

Seems to me we were misinformed. I would think that if there was a problem with the hotel reservation system that should have been addressed this year. I'm sure you got your room last year anyhow so....Whatever

Re: Potomac host hotel

To anon. You assume things. FYI I have not stayed at, or even tried to book a room at the host hotel for past several years. You sound quite unhappy, but there is no reason to get snippy with me.

Re: Potomac host hotel

There are so many better places to stay in the area than the host hotel. Don't fret if you didn't get a room. Many of us choose not to get one there, and stay at places that are better and cleaner and cheaper. It is not the end of the world!

Re: Potomac host hotel

I would just like to have a level playing field. Don't tell me that no on gets special privileges, if, in fact, they do. I don't have a solution and I thought that this year would be different (after last year) but - I was wrong. After much diligence, I did get a room, but it's like a wild goose chase.

Re: Potomac host hotel

Go on line, there are rooms avaliable, you just have to pay the whole amount today.

Re: Potomac host hotel

The mess they are talking about is the club trying to hold back reservations until after the "chosen" have made their reservations at the reduced rate. The club should take their block for themselves , their friends and the judges and leave the rest open online for first come first serve. Last week the club posted on this forum not to call until today. Well, tell me then how every room was booked by the end of the first 3 minutes? Then they stick Suzie in the middle of it all, like it was her fault. Things need to be a bit more open and honest. Let the rooms go online, first come first serve like they were last year- none of this nonsense of holding back on people.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I agree with Breeder. Stay somewhere else. I've stayed at some of the best hotels, motels in the U.S. And the host motel act like they are doing you a favor. If people would stay at surrounding motels, maybe their attitude would change towards people who would like to stay with them. Personally, I'm staying at the Holiday Inn Express which is five minutes away. Rooms are bigger, more grass space for dogs, employees are very accommodating.

Re: Potomac host hotel

No offense, but, why pay whole amount when you can stay five mins. away for so much less?

Re: Potomac host hotel

Anon for this
Go on line, there are rooms avaliable, you just have to pay the whole amount today.

I've tried all day & you can't make online reservations unless it's the Express.

Re: Potomac host hotel

The mess they are talking about is the club trying to hold back reservations until after the "chosen" have made their reservations at the reduced rate. The club should take their block for themselves , their friends and the judges and leave the rest open online for first come first serve. Last week the club posted on this forum not to call until today. Well, tell me then how every room was booked by the end of the first 3 minutes? Then they stick Suzie in the middle of it all, like it was her fault. Things need to be a bit more open and honest. Let the rooms go online, first come first serve like they were last year- none of this nonsense of holding back on people.

I agree with you

I've been doing it that way for years, but next year I'm at the Express

Re: Potomac host hotel

What a bunch of big babies. Get a life!

Re: Potomac host hotel


If people have an issue with the way reservations are booked at that specific hotel, they can always contact the main hotel and use their Guest relations links to send in their comments.

Then maybe the main( Corporation) will investigate and come up with possible solutions for the next year.I am sure the Holiday Inn Corporation would not want to loose the revenue that this show promotes each year.

Also maybe if the Lrcp sits down with the hotel to see how things can be streamlined and have the contract with them renewed prior to each years show( not after) maybe this would help.

Re: Potomac host hotel

What it basically comes down to is simple math, there are more people who attend this show than there are rooms at the host hotel. So no matter how they do it, someone is going to be unhappy. There really is no solution for everyone to be happy other than to go to a different showsite where there is no hotel at all, then no one can complain. I don't think there would be any hotel that would have enough rooms for everyone and also acommodate the show plus allow dogs.

Re: Potomac host hotel

Dear "well.....:, I think you owe Suzie an apology. I do not know where you found your information but I do not know of anyone who gets special treatment from her. She deals with so many people who have all kinds of requests and has to do this in a short period of time. She is gracious and pleasant through it all.
Some years I have gotten a room at the host hotel and some years I have stayed at the Holiday Inn Express.
As said before, it is the luck of the draw.
Sounds like you are mad because you did not get a room and have to blame someone. I know many people who got a room yesterday through the web, the 800# and calling the hotel. Stop throwing darts at the hotel staff that help to make the show site a nice experience. Have a nice day.

Re: Potomac host hotel

You may not have all of your information correct. Just because you don't know of anyone who gets special treatment - doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I wish those that are blaming the club would cease. The club has nothing to do with the way rooms are dispersed. They block off rooms for particular hard workers, staff (that pay for them!) and judges, the rest are for us. There aren't enough to go around at the host hotel.

If there is any special treatment, it is not done by the club.

Let this go already. I didn't get a room and I am not whining. It's 1st come, 1st served calling the hotel, not the club.

Let's be happy we have another year of the P-mac show that is a long ways off.

Re: Potomac host hotel

I'm sorry but it is wrong. Its posted that they will go on sale at a certain time, and date, and when you call at that very time, there are no rooms available. I had no trouble to get through, so when did ALL those other people call?

I won't ever stay at a hotel like that.

I have a friend who told me that someone from the club was saving a room for her, and sure enough, when I talked to her last night, she got a room, for her and another big breeder. Not fair doesn't begin to describe it.

Re: Potomac host hotel

No I don't owe Suzie an apology because I have seen it with my own eyes and have heard about her playing favorites from other individuals that have plied her with flowers and gifts. No I am not mad about not getting a room since it is not an issue for me because there are plenty of other rooms in the same locale that are nicer and less expensive.

You are correct about Suzie always being very nice and gracious - that is definitely part of her charm.

Have a great day!