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InGen PRA test

I helped a friend of mine do a bunch of her dogs through InGen. All of her results were clear, even though 1 of them was suspected to possibly be a carrier. Has anyone who has used this test had carrier or affected results? PM is fine. Thanks!

Re: InGen PRA test

A friend just used InGen and got 1 clear, 1 carrier, and 1 affected............................retested through Optigen and got exactly same results.

2 other friends I know of tested several dogs each through InGen and got mix of carriers and clears.

Re: InGen PRA test

Thanks. That is what I wanted to know. I guess my friend was very fortunate with her results. Interestinly enough, 1 of her dogs carries the long coat gene.

Re: InGen PRA test

Were these recent? I was just wondering what their turn-around time was right now - I sent some samples in - according to their website, they were received on May 4. Fingers tapping, waiting to find out the results!

Re: InGen PRA test

The results took about 2 months.

Re: InGen PRA test

Thanks! Good thing these girls are young, so I'm in no (huge) hurry!

Re: InGen PRA test

Devon--If they took 2 months I believe she can ask for her money back! I think InGen has a 42 day guarantee for resutls. A friend of mine tested a whole litter and was refunded her entire bill for results being late.

Re: InGen PRA test

The normal turn around time is 30 days, however my recent test took two months due to various computer and mechanical issues. I was offered a refund or free test and was promised that the problems have been corrected.

Patty, my two recent tests were received May 5th, and was given a guarantee that they'd be ready by June 4th.

Re: InGen PRA test

Patty Streufert
Were these recent? I was just wondering what their turn-around time was right now - I sent some samples in - according to their website, they were received on May 4. Fingers tapping, waiting to find out the results!

It's only 8 days after yours were received. It takes at least 2 weeks for results for any tests, if not longer. If you watch those tapping fingers it will seem longer.

Re: InGen PRA test

I just got back the 3 I did, two carriers one clear. Took almost 6 months for the results due to the problems they were having with the machines but that's ok as I did them well in advance of when I was going to breed these dogs.

Re: InGen PRA test


It's only 8 days after yours were received. It takes at least 2 weeks for results for any tests, if not longer. If you watch those tapping fingers it will seem longer.

Yes, I can count days on the calendar - I was just curious how long it was taking! Thanks for the unnecessarily snide remark!

Re: InGen PRA test

With the results taking so long this test definitely isn't one you'd want to use for a litter. Drawing blood/swab at 6 weeks of age you'd like to get the results back before they are eligible to go in their first show!

Re: InGen PRA test

I did 4 tests earlier this year and received results back within 3 wks with both sets. I know that recently there was some mechanical issues on their end which slowed the process sounds like that is resolved now?

Re: InGen PRA test

The reason mine took so long was I had to resend the hair and cheek samples in because they said they didn't have enough DNA on the original ones and then their equipment wasn't working so they now have new equipment and the turn around time should be only 3 weeks.

With the results taking so long this test definitely isn't one you'd want to use for a litter. Drawing blood/swab at 6 weeks of age you'd like to get the results back before they are eligible to go in their first show!