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In the past few weeks I have noticed about 3 of my dogs having a very deep
cough. I don't think it is kennel cough as they only cough in the morning or
when they get very excited.
Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing the deep coughing?

I am getting a little nerves and I will make a vet appointment for next

I am not always rite on time with my heart worm meds and are starting
to wonder if they could possibly have heart worms, I am also wondering
if maybe they could have a heart problem as they need to have there
hearts tested.


Re: Coughing

We had something like this this spring when my children also had deep coughs. I gave antibiotic and probiotic and it cleared up in 2 days.

Re: Coughing

Could be alot of things.Sounds like kennel cough though.We had a bitch with a chronic cough years ago.A bronchoscopy found hookworms in her lungs.In the Vet practice where I work,we've seen a few cases of Lungworms also.Get them to the Vet,you never know!