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Heartguard Plus and Roundworms

The Heartguard website and literature states that it controls and treats roundworms. While picking up meds to kill Gab's roundworms and the Heartguard meds I asked specifically about this and was told that "they know it says that it prevents roundworms, but it doesn't". Can anyone elaborate on this for me? If it doesn't treat roundworms is there another preventative med I can give, as Gabi is a poop eater at the park. Thanks. ~Maria

Re: Heartguard Plus and Roundworms

It DOES treat round worms, Ivermectin is a very effective wormer.

Re: Heartguard Plus and Roundworms

It does *treat* and control roundworms but it doesn't *prevent* them. It's a once a month wormer and kills any round or hookworms that may be present since the last time you dosed your dog.

Heartguard and Heartguard plus prevents heartworm disease by killing the tissue stage of heartworm larvae that may have infected your dog during the previous 30 days. It's basically only effective for one day also.

Re: Heartguard Plus and Roundworms

I was always told that if worm free it would prevent reinfestation, but that it would not take care of any worms they already had.

Re: Heartguard Plus and Roundworms

Ivermectin will certainly kill any roundworms present for sure!