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Recent Spotlight Dog

I can't remeber, but I think it was last month. There was a yellow dog on the spotlight who was a 'Woody' (Timberland's Woodsmen at Loral). I forget the kennel name and can't find their site in my browser history. I think they were from the west coast. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find this boy again. Thanks in advance!

Re: Recent Spotlight Dog

Re: Recent Spotlight Dog

I think you may mean Teddy, at Devonshire Labradors

Re: Recent Spotlight Dog

To East coast, yes, he is the one. To Diane, thanks anyways, it was Teddy, the 'Woody' son I was looking for. Thanks everyone.

Re: Recent Spotlight Dog

Teddy is a new Champion to boot!!

Re: Recent Spotlight Dog

another good reason to download the monthly Spotlight Dogs to your computer. You can then save them in a folder, and they'll be there for you to browse whenever you like.
