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panaur vs. ivermectin

In a recent post I read that ivermectin is a good wormer. Can Someone expand on the details of what ivermectin controls vs panacur. I use ivermectin monthly as a heartworm preventative on my crew but am wondering if I need to dose with panacur twice yearly as I hear some breeders do. So, basic questions...

What does Panacur cover?

What does Ivermectin cover?


Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Ivermectin does(besides heartworm)-hooks and rounds.Panacur does hooks,rounds,whips and tapes.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

PANACUR-An oral broad spectrum dewormer. Fenbendazole is the active ingredient. Panacur will kill roundworms,
hookworms, whipworms, and most species of tapeworms

IVERMEC-An injectable antiparasite medication. At varied doses ivermectin may kill roundworms, hookworms, ear
mites, mange, and heartworms

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Panacur can be used for a 5 day period, for giardia.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Pam-thanks for the question, it is helpimg me with my original post. I am wondering if I should just do the Panacur twice yearly v Heartguard once a month. It would be easier and more thorough.

Also, am I overdosing Gab because I gave her her first Panacur and the Heartguard yesterday? She has two more Panacur treatments before she is done. Didn't think to ask vet about that . . . .seems like they really push the Heartguard, maybe rightly so. There are all kinds of visual reminders/ad pieces about the office and exam room (plaques, plastic hearts w/ a penny & worm, door signs, and maps) all relating to the heartworm. Seems overdone - but I don't know. Also, if you go to there is a 5. off coupon for a purchase of 12. Breeders probably buy it cheaper than us pet people.


Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Yes, most breeders get it in liquid form for waaaaaay less money than the pills.
Works out to less than 50 cents a per dog per month the way I calculate it.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Panacur does not cover Dipylidium caninum, dog's tapeworms. For tapes you need to use Praziquantel.
Ivermectin is good to prevent Hooks and Rounds, but will not get rid of an existing infestation.
Ivermectin mayor purpose is to kill the microfilaria, the baby heartworm. It is also effective to kill sarcoptic mange.
Doing random fecal exams when you take the dogs to the vet will tell you if you have a problem with parasites. If you don't, don't waste your time and money, and safe giving the dogs an unnecessary drug.
De-worming the mother together with the puppies is good practice.
If you don't have a problem with resistance, using Strongid would work as well as Panacur for hooks and rounds. Just make sure you give the second dose.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Please be careful, ivomec, if diluted incorrectly can also kill your dog.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Please be careful, ivomec, if diluted incorrectly can also kill your dog.

I agree. It is a very small amount that is necessary for heartworm protection. Even the worming dosage is small. Make sure you get the exact formula from a vet.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Panacur does not cover Dipylidium caninum, dog's tapeworms.

I was reading a vet article on this and believe it stated it did not kill the tapes from fleas but does kill the tapes that can be obtained from eating dead animals.
is that correct?

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

"Yes, most breeders get it in liquid form for waaaaaay less money than the pills.
Works out to less than 50 cents a per dog per month the way I calculate it."

breeder- could you please specify the product that you use or email me off line. Thanks. ~Maria

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

I haven't heard that. As far as I know the dog gets infected only by eating a carrier flea.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

There are actually 4 different types of tape worms.
panacur does not work on the tapes you get from fleas but it does work on the other three types.

Since I dont have fleas but my dogs do catch rabbits and squirrels if tapes appear I do treat with panacur successfully.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

The common protocol is worm, then 3 weeks later, then repeat in 3 months. Soooooo, basically we do 3 courses of treatment per year (twice each time, 3 weeks apart).

We use Panacur for 2 of those and Strongid for the other. We like to rotate to minimize resistance. Also, Strongid is much cheaper but we feel Panacur is better.

Finally, we do not use Ivermectin as an intestinal worm preventative. We do low dose heartworm meds (Interceptor) for only a few months of the year (full summer). Saves a ton of money and we believe it is healthier for the dogs.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

In a recent post I read that ivermectin is a good wormer. Can Someone expand on the details of what ivermectin controls vs panacur. I use ivermectin monthly as a heartworm preventative on my crew but am wondering if I need to dose with panacur twice yearly as I hear some breeders do. So, basic questions...

What does Panacur cover?

What does Ivermectin cover?


What ivermectin covers DEPENDS ON THE DOSE that is given. If you read some of these posts you might believe that the ivermectin in Heartguard will treat or prevent sarcoptic mange (for example)and it does NOT.

Pyrantel in Heartguard PLUS will treat and control ascarid and hookworm infections in dogs. If you have your dogs on Heartguard PLUS there is no need to treat with panacur.

Re: panaur vs. ivermectin

Can't you use both?