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Found at Pioneer Valley

I found a lens filter on the ground after everyone had left the site on Saturday. Anyone missing one?

Re: Found at Pioneer Valley

That's kind of you, Beth, to post this. I found conjunctivitis in my young boy's eye since the show. Anyone lose it??? I'd gladly ship it out. (just kidding of course.) Seriously though, anyone notice it in their dogs?

Re: Found at Pioneer Valley

No gunky eyes here yet, were your dogs anywhere else besides this show where maybe they picked it up? Maybe its the pollen: everything here is covered in a green film!

Re: Found at Pioneer Valley

Nothing here, was your boy anywere else that he might have picked it up? It is easy to get, if other dogs he was with have it. If they didn't have it, then he will give it to them. Been there done that!!!

Re: Found at Pioneer Valley

Nothing here either with the two I had at the show.

Re: Found at Pioneer Valley

Just in general we have been seeing and taking quite a few calls for the conjunctivitis (almost hate to call it that... it's really more just some yellow/green mucoid discharge). I would say it started a couple of weeks ago and I chalk it up to the emerging pollens. Calls have been coming from pet dogs too. Hopefully that's all it is for you!

Re: Found at Pioneer Valley

I ended up taking my guy to the vet Thursday evening and he figured it was just something blowing in the wind that got it irritated and inflamed. Additionally, we live in Canada and the foliage at Pioneer Valley and even in NY where he stayed was a lot further ahead than ours, so heaven only knows. His eyes were frozen to look at them, then flushed out well and he's on an antibiotic, and each day I'm seeing improvement. Thanks for asking!