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Black 2 year old Lab

I have a black Lab who is 2yrs old his name is Jasper.
Jasper is a happy Lab. He loves to play with a chew toy, (Cute puppy face). Unfortunately I will be moving and Jasper can not come. Jasper is to big for my kids and he has no one who can care for him and love as he should be loved. Anyone have suggestions of what to do with Jasper.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

You should first contact the breeder and see if she/he will take him back. If not, you can try Lab Rescue. Go to which gives a state by state listing.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

Why not contact the breeder for help? My contract states that if there is ever a time in the owners life they can no longer keep the dog, the dog should be returned to the breeder.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

Definitely do not send your dog away, unless it is back to the breeder.

I suggest you contact your breeder, if they dont want him. Then go ahead and see if they would place an ad on their website to place him. In the mean time, check with friends and family to see if they have the desire to take him on

Did you not know how big a Labrador would get when you bought him?

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

I agree, call the breeder. Most all of us take our dogs back at any time in there life. This one is very young. No excuse not to.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

Sorry to hear you can no longer keep Jasper. It sounds like you may not have the support of the breeder where you first adopted him. If you could get on your computer and find your local Labrador Pure Bred Rescue Represenataive, I bet they can assist you in finding Jasper a great home. Pure Bred Rescue Programs are designed to properly screen potential families. Your dog Jasper would benefit greatly if you could adopt him out through the pure bred Labador rescue system.

Yesterday as I was paying for my groceries, the employee told me how they adopted a labrador puppy and went on to tell me how this puppy cost them a fortune because she would chew everything in their house. I asked this employee if they had bones and chew toys for their girl and she looked at me puzzled and said, " No ". Then when this dog was a yr old, they took her to the local animal shelter. I asked her if she had the option to take her back to the breeder and she said no.

I think most people who have to give up their dogs would contact their breeders first if they could but sadly, too many times, all those labradors who are turned into the shelters were born from byb and puppy mills.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

WE had know idea how big Labs get.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

Thanks I'll try to contact the Breeder.

Re: Black 2 year old Lab

Very sad that your breeder didn't educate you.
You should have seen the parents and the rest of their dogs when you bought Jasper and you'd have seen their size.
So it sounds like your breeder didn't do their job and if they didn't do that, there is a chance they won't take your boy back either.
If thats the case, start contacting local, reputable breeders as well as Lab rescue. Some of us with big hearts might be more than happy to help you find a forever home for Jasper. I know I would.
Have done it in the past.