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Pawsitive I.D. Genetic Testing

Dear Wiscoy members,

I want to thank all of you that have been working with InGen over the last month with our seemingly never ending equipment problems. These problems basically shut our processing down for almost a month. We tried to stay in contact with our customers during this time to keep them up to speed on what was going on. And we received almost 100% positive feedback as to how we were handling the situation. Due to our issues, we were past our turn around time guarantee in many cases. We offered either a complete refund or a credit towards future purchases to stay in compliance with our guarantee. To those of you whose breeding decisions were affected by our delay, I offer my most sincere apologies. I know you depend on our tests to help run your breeding operations and we let you down.

However, we have implemented a plan that will ensure that this dependency on 1 lab/1 machine does not occur again. Within the next 30 days, we will have another DNA lab installed and operating in Nassau. This will give us redundancy in both equipment & personnel. It will also help during hurricane season. The chance of both Freeport & Nassau being affected by the same storm is unlikely (I’m sure that’s going to jinx me -LOL). And we have plans to expand beyond the new lab. Bottom line, we are making quite sure that the problems that have occurred over the last month do not happen again and that all of our customers can rest assured that their tests will be processed in a timely manner.

We have many exciting additions in the works that will take effect over the next few months. Our #1 goal is customer satisfaction and giving our customers what they want. We will be sending out an email in a few days with a survey asking you, our customer, exactly what you want or need in a genetic testing service. You will also be able to give us your feedback on how we have been performing to date. These results, both positive and negative, will be available for anyone to see either on our website or through the survey service we will use. So please be on the look out for this email and participate in this survey. If you are not on our email list, please send us your information at

Again, thank you for all of your support and patience.

Rick Dobbins, GM
International Genetics, Inc

Re: Pawsitive I.D. Genetic Testing

Rick, one thing for sure, your communication since
day one has been exemplary. You are doing a great
service, and we really do appreciate you. Thanks, and best wishes. (no hurricanes, no hurricanes, no hurricanes!)

Re: Pawsitive I.D. Genetic Testing

Rick,No complaints here!Things happen,your service has been fantastic despite the "roadblocks"!Keep up the good work!

Re: Pawsitive I.D. Genetic Testing

Although I had to wait for my test I am very pleased with your company.

Testing at a reasonable price will help our breed to have many more dogs tested for genetic problems. It is nothing but good for Labradors.

Re: Pawsitive I.D. Genetic Testing

Rick and Sherrill,
Your communication was always very timely and honest. Through all of the delay your complete honesty is what I admire the most. I look forward to working with you again in the future. Keep up the good work. I will continue to recommend you to fellow breeders.

Re: Pawsitive I.D. Genetic Testing

Are you going to be adding EIC to the test results? It would be a plus!!