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Treats to build up coat

Does anybody know the recipe for coat enhancing treats?

Re: Treats to build up coat

Zinpro used to make a treat...the dogs love them.

Re: Treats to build up coat

I make ShowStopper cubes (mix with water and freeze) and the dogs love them as treats fresh from the freezer.

Also works well if you feed your raw food frozen and you want to supplement your dog.

Re: Treats to build up coat

What kind? Salmon or the original?

Re: Treats to build up coat

I always just fed the regular.

Re: Treats to build up coat

Not only is Zinpro good for the coat, but excellent for semen production as well. A very wise breeder once told me that the Zinpro works wonders for your stud dog and semen numbers were always great on her dogs....Tried it. Gave Zinpro to two of my boys for 6 weeks. Took in for semen freezing, the 2 year old produced 3 billion sperm and after freezing and thawing it was 90+%. My repro. vet was astounded. One collection gave us 18 straws. His father gave us 2.5 billion and 15 straws! I continue to use the Zinpro on all my boys.

Re: Treats to build up coat

Can someone be so kind as to furnish a website, I just went in on the www and only come up ZINPRO and its related to performance minerals, is this what we are talking about here? PS Pardon the ignorance! Also there is many types, which is the type used for our dogs?

Re: Treats to build up coat

here is a link to yahoo search

Re: Treats to build up coat

Here is where I purchase Zinpro biscuits:

I buy it in the 4 pound bag. An adult male I give 4-6 a day. I buy the original formula. Also, with my order I received a discount for further orders. I also give to my girls that have lost their coat after whelping and the new coat comes in very nice.

Good luck!