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Labrador size

I have a 5 1/2 month old male labrador. Everyone keeps asking us why he is so small. He is 19 inches at the withers and weighs about 54 lbs. Can anyone tell me if this is average or is he really kind of small. How long will he continue to grow?

Re: Labrador size

Actually sounds on the large size at 5 1/2 months to me!
People are so used to seeing BYB, tall fine boned, monster Labs that they don't have a clue what a Lab should look like!!
I have had my Ch's at the vets and been asked what mix they were!!???

Re: Labrador size

Thanks for the reply. Since this is the first labrador I have owned I was unsure. But I have tended to notice that some of these labradors I see are extremely huge and don't even meet the standard. We bought ours from a reputable breeder and everyone asks us if he is a purebred so I know what you mean. Well thanks for putting my mind at ease with knowing that my baby is not a runt.

Re: Labrador size

You're welcome and best of luck with your boy!!
I'm sure he'll be the best looking dog on the block

Re: Labrador size

I have a 5 1/2 month old male Labrador. Everyone keeps asking us why he is so small. He is 19 inches at the withers and weighs about 54 lbs. Can anyone tell me if this is average or is he really kind of small. How long will he continue to grow?

My pup is 6 months old and 65 pounds. My first lab too, people act like he is huge, lol. He does seem big for 6 months, but seems proportionate Yours is too small, mine is too big. I'd like to see everyone's 'just right'


Re: Labrador size

Hers is not too small! Different lines grow at different rates.
Weight is not a good indicator because many pets are kept on the lean side as per vets directions because they think that keeping them anything but thin will CAUSE hip dysplasia.
Again, they are so used to seeing poorly bred dogs with HD that they believe this is the case rather than the fact that HD is inherited and will be there or won't.
Her dog is 19" which is just 3.5 inches short of the standard (which is also another issue all in itself) and he's only 5 months old. He has another 6 months to grow - so long as she doesn't neuter him and mess up his maturation process!

Re: Labrador size

That is not small for 5 months of age. Their growth plates are open until about 18 months, meaning he still has many more months of growing. It sounds like he will certainly make standard. People are not used to seeing "correct" Labradors. When someone makes comments like that, take the time to educate them. That is the only way people will learn.

Re: Labrador size

Hers is not too small! Different lines grow at different rates.

I know that, i was being facetious. When is a lab considered full grown? My brother in law got a field lab(The called it American) from a breeder. Well they claim to be a breeder, anyway. He was soo much taller than my stocky pup. His was flying up and stairs at 8 weeks, where my pup took forever to do stairs because he was so much shorter. They also claim he is a "pointing lab", what ever the heck that is. Looking at the 2 dogs, you wouldnt say they were both the same breed.

Re: Labrador size

...When someone makes comments like that, take the time to educate them. That is the only way people will learn.

Exactly! My Caleb is 23 1/2 inches and weighs 65 pounds. We get lots of comments about how small he is. My favorite tho, are the ones that go on and on about how huge their Lab at home is. I just mention how Caleb at the minimum size according to the standard.

Re: Labrador size

I am interested in what you have to say concerning neutering my 5 1/2 month old labrador. So far I hear so many conflicting things. The breeder asked me to please wait until he is a minimum of 9 mos but better if I could wait a year. So I will do that but of course I will have to fight with the vet as I have to on almost every issue. Can you tell me the cons of neutering too soon so I can argue my informed decision with him and his staff. I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon this website. Thanks. And I will definitely do my best to educate people on the standard size of a quality labrador.

Re: Labrador size

puppy owner
Hers is not too small! Different lines grow at different rates.

I know that, i was being facetious. When is a lab considered full grown? My brother in law got a field lab(The called it American) from a breeder. Well they claim to be a breeder, anyway. He was soo much taller than my stocky pup. His was flying up and stairs at 8 weeks, where my pup took forever to do stairs because he was so much shorter. They also claim he is a "pointing lab", what ever the heck that is. Looking at the 2 dogs, you wouldnt say they were both the same breed.

Yes, different lines grow at different rates brdr, I think that's part of it. Food is another, exercise is 1 more factor. Male or female is still another. I think you understand puppy owner eh?

You picked the wrong board to be what you call facetious. If you're new to the breed, it's better to learn from others in it longer then to appear critical.

It's not well accepted to know it all with your 1st puppy or your 1st anything actually.

You've been kind of blunt. If I am, I apologize but some of the *breeders* would turn you into chopped up meat if you continue an I know it all atitude. I also don't have my 1st Lab puppy, I have 5 generations of my own kennel name with some success and some heartache along the way. I know there is more of both to come, there always is, I hope for less heartache and a little success.

Re: Labrador size

I am interested in what you have to say concerning neutering my 5 1/2 month old labrador. So far I hear so many conflicting things. The breeder asked me to please wait until he is a minimum of 9 mos but better if I could wait a year. So I will do that but of course I will have to fight with the vet as I have to on almost every issue. Can you tell me the cons of neutering too soon so I can argue my informed decision with him and his staff. I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon this website. Thanks. And I will definitely do my best to educate people on the standard size of a quality labrador.

The later the better to neuter or spay. The breeder was correct, listen to the person that bred your pup.

If you're fighting with your vet that much, it might be time to find a new 1.

The cons of neutering have to do with growth plate closure being complete before you neuter or spay. Ask your breeder for some documentation to show the vet. If they push you hard, I would move on.

You have excellent questions and are an intelligent person that wants the best for their pup. Don't allow anyone, including a vet to push you around. Your breeder gave you good advice, speak to her further. She won't bite.

Re: Labrador size

Glad to -

these are the three I know of

Re: Labrador size

puppy owner
Hers is not too small! Different lines grow at different rates.

I know that, i was being facetious. When is a lab considered full grown? My brother in law got a field lab(The called it American) from a breeder. Well they claim to be a breeder, anyway. He was soo much taller than my stocky pup. His was flying up and stairs at 8 weeks, where my pup took forever to do stairs because he was so much shorter. They also claim he is a "pointing lab", what ever the heck that is. Looking at the 2 dogs, you wouldnt say they were both the same breed.

Yes, different lines grow at different rates brdr, I think that's part of it. Food is another, exercise is 1 more factor. Male or female is still another. I think you understand puppy owner eh?

You picked the wrong board to be what you call facetious. If you're new to the breed, it's better to learn from others in it longer then to appear critical.

It's not well accepted to know it all with your 1st puppy or your 1st anything actually.

You've been kind of blunt. If I am, I apologize but some of the *breeders* would turn you into chopped up meat if you continue an I know it all atitude. I also don't have my 1st Lab puppy, I have 5 generations of my own kennel name with some success and some heartache along the way. I know there is more of both to come, there always is, I hope for less heartache and a little success.

BLUNT? It was a joke, ever hear of Goldilocks and the 3 bears? I wasnt calling her lab small nor was I being critical of mine. Where was I blunt? If both you and brdr didnt get it, Im not going to explain about the 'porridge'. Next time I will be more obvious with the joke.

Re: Labrador size

Actually sounds on the large size at 5 1/2 months to me!
People are so used to seeing BYB, tall fine boned, monster Labs that they don't have a clue what a Lab should look like!!
I have had my Ch's at the vets and been asked what mix they were!!???

Me too! I am asked if my boys are pitbull mixed and their heads are not overly large. It's a sad lack of education of the BYB & PM puppy buyers.

Re: Labrador size

Actually I am very glad some of the breeders answered my question regarding size of dog because if you had been the only one I would have taken your words of "your's is too small" to heart and thought he really was but thankfully I know better. So probably better not to answer questions if you don't have some solid knowledge.

Re: Labrador size

I am interested in what you have to say concerning neutering my 5 1/2 month old labrador. So far I hear so many conflicting things. The breeder asked me to please wait until he is a minimum of 9 mos but better if I could wait a year. So I will do that but of course I will have to fight with the vet as I have to on almost every issue. Can you tell me the cons of neutering too soon so I can argue my informed decision with him and his staff. I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon this website. Thanks. And I will definitely do my best to educate people on the standard size of a quality labrador.

The later the better to neuter or spay. The breeder was correct, listen to the person that bred your pup.

If you're fighting with your vet that much, it might be time to find a new 1.

The cons of neutering have to do with growth plate closure being complete before you neuter or spay. Ask your breeder for some documentation to show the vet. If they push you hard, I would move on.

You have excellent questions and are an intelligent person that wants the best for their pup. Don't allow anyone, including a vet to push you around. Your breeder gave you good advice, speak to her further. She won't bite.

Thanks for the advice on neutering. And I will talk to the breeder soon because she asked me to bring him out to see her when he turned 6 mos so she could take a look at him. I guess I just felt like I would be bugging her with all my questions but I know you are right.

Re: Labrador size

If you are "just a pet owner" and I say that with no disrespect, you might find this board better for your questions:

Re: Labrador size

That's silly AND disrespectful!
A pet board would not likely have the answers she was looking for.
They are PET people and NOT breeders.
We just got done discussing how most PET people have NO CLUE what a proper labrador looks like!

She came to the right place and asked her question was honesty and intelligence.
She got her answer from knowledgable people here.

Re: Labrador size

I have tried that website and while it is entertaining with everyone's silly stories and cute pictures, it lacks reliable information.
"Pet Owners" only seem to know about their own pet, where as I was interested in what experienced breeders had to say. I know my "pet", but I was interested in learning about the breed.
I am still excited about finding this great forum but will just lurk in the shadows and read all the posts unless I have a really great question.

Re: Labrador size

I "got" it--that person is looking for trouble. BTW--your puppy has a very nice head.

Re: Labrador size

You know, over 23 years of breeding has shown me many lines develop at different paces. And only the breeder can help you in those instances.
When clients email me with questions of height/size/weight, I always have them send me pictures so I can evaluate their weight based on their FRAME, and what I know about the parent's development, etc. I keep a log of pictures at different ages of all the dogs I own, and it is sooooo interesting to look back on, and those pictures have been good to show people with pups out of those litters....they really get to see how their pup may grow.
AS far as "done" growing...I'd love to hear what other have to say.
I use to panic when my boys did not still look as "full" as I wanted at 2 years old (some girls, too), but as I look at that log of pictures I see my boys REALLY blossom between 2-3 years old, and then at 5 years I even see a bitty more difference. I always remember an OLD breeder (old to me back in my 20's!) tell me she did not even START to show her boys until they were 5! I took her advice to heart and have been more patient, and sometimes I wait longer...boy they really go in with a "bang" entering the ring when I wait and am patient...and sometimes they finish faster (like in 2 mos time instead of over 6-8 mos time...saves me a little $$$)

Does anyone else have experience with the "blossoming" ages (as I refer to them) from 2-3 and from 3-5, that you would care to share?

Re: Labrador size

I liked your responds very much. I just laugh when I know younger breeders dumb those boys before two years. They can stay together or look awful for 18 mos. Got to be in the lines. Would not look at pups from 12 wks to a year. Boys, don't really look at the head or chest, it will all change. Girls also aftet a couple of heats come on stronger with chest and bulk. I do love to take the ugle pictures to look back on. 5 month old, not so good. 9 month old boy, the worst, 18 mos. what a different and like you say from 4 years on they only get better. Now, thats if you have a good dog to start with. Thats where all the fun comes in.

Re: Labrador size

I have tried that website and while it is entertaining with everyone's silly stories and cute pictures, it lacks reliable information.
"Pet Owners" only seem to know about their own pet, where as I was interested in what experienced breeders had to say. I know my "pet", but I was interested in learning about the breed.
I am still excited about finding this great forum but will just lurk in the shadows and read all the posts unless I have a really great question.

Lita, I am impressed with your questions & comments. There is no reason to send you to a pet board unless you want to read there. This is a public board for anyone to enjoy and hopefully learn from.

It's a pleasure to read your posts and reply to them. Please stay with us. There is lots to learn here and at other breeder boards and lists. Someday, you may want to go further than your first lab pup. We all started somewhere and some would find you easy to mentor.

Let us know what your breeder has to say about your pup at 6mo. Our most recent male pup we kept from our last litter is 1 week younger and 3# more than yours. I find mine to be following my boys that are usually 95# at age 2.5 - 3.0 years.

Re: Labrador size

mine was almost sent out to be a pet- 2 years old, high in the rear and just scrawny. Just turning three now everyone says wow! Look at him! Picking up points, but the more I see, the more I want to wait until 4 to get him out.

Re: Labrador size

to mine:

did you boy continue to get height all the way to 2?
I have a 10 month old I am very concerned about height with.

Re: Labrador size
