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Potomac photos

Sorry, it has taken me so long to post these. I still haven't labeled all dogs in BOB..... if you want to send me the dogs name, I can edit the photo caption.

My life has been pretty busy since I tried to post, but just decided it was too far along in the month, not to post, whether the captions were there or not.

If you want a photo, just email me and I will send it along- no need to purchase from smugmug

apologies and enjoy,


Re: Potomac photos

I was just made aware these photos are here. Thank you so much Diane for sharing, How can we contact you to make corrections in Names of dogs please?? I added comments to the photo on the page, but there might be other you need to correct.

Great shots!

Re: Potomac photos

my email is attached to the signature.
it is

happy to change and mislabelings and also add captions.