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What Age??

No flames please...not looking to use a young stud. Just curious how young a dog anyone has or would use for a breeding? With Penn Hip certification available has anyone used a boy younger than two??? I have always waited until the boy was two for OFA certification.

Re: What Age??

AKC allows them to be used at 10 months of age.
It's up to you to decide. They can have Penn Hip or pre-lims. Some will use them, some won't. They wait until final x-rays at two.
It's like the NFL Today - you make the call.

Re: What Age??

I used someone elses boy on 'good' prelims
He came back moderate on his perm

But, I will still use a boy on prelims, just understand the possibilties

Re: What Age??

I suppose it all depends on what age the dog was when the prelims were done, too. I'd be way more confident using a dog with prelims of "good" or "excellent" at 18 months of age, versus using a dog with the same ratings who had them done when he was 6 months old. Alot can happen in the time between the prelims and the finals, considering young puppies have closing growth plates, softer bones, etc... The older the dog is when he has his prelims, the better the chance his finals will have a similar result.

Re: What Age??

Also, soundness is just a small part of what a puppy could still be harboring himself that does not show up until later. Why use those young boys. I have heard of more use on prelims that just don't pass at two years. What is wrong with nice proven boys.

Re: What Age??

Absolutely agreed! If I had to breed one of my girls with a choice of an older, proven stud and a youngster...I'd choose the older stud. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with using a younger dog, mind you. JMO that with an older dog you see the "end result" because that dog is done growing. I know that at 10 months of age my boy was just plain ugly, but the AKC would still allow him to breed if I so chose to. Now that he's 18 months old, he's beautiful but still has alot of filling out to do(and is still a virgin, lol). And with an older stud, chances are that he has produced before and you should be able to get a look at what he is producing.

Re: What Age??

This is the AKC rule:
"No dog or litter out of a dam under eight (8) months or over twelve (12) years of age at the time of mating, or by a sire under seven (7) months or over twelve (12) years of age at the time of mating, will be registered unless the application for registration shall be accompanied by an affidavit or evidence which shall prove the fact to the satisfaction of The American Kennel Club."
A 7 month old male might not be fertile yet, or he might produce smaller litters.

Re: What Age??

This is the AKC rule:
"No dog or litter out of a dam under eight (8) months or over twelve (12) years of age at the time of mating, or by a sire under seven (7) months or over twelve (12) years of age at the time of mating, will be registered unless the application for registration shall be accompanied by an affidavit or evidence which shall prove the fact to the satisfaction of The American Kennel Club."
A 7 month old male might not be fertile yet, or he might produce smaller litters.

Why would ANYONE use a 7 month old??

Re: What Age??

There are enough boys out there not to use a young boy. Don't use a boy for a man's job.

Re: What Age??


Why would ANYONE use a 7 month old??

Stupidity or pocket book reasons are the only ones I can think of to use any boy under at least 12 months! And that's pushing it. I say more like 18 with prelims at 18.

Re: What Age??

I'm seeing a lot more use boys at 13-14 months. I don't recall ever seeing a good breeder use a dog at 7 months.

I don't condone either, but I'm not the be all and end all.

I simply don't understand how you can 'guess' what the end product will look like. I had a 13 month old boy who was so bloomy. By 2, he had not a lot of bone, and once his puppy coat fell out, had not a lot of nice jacket either. I'll take a good looking, good producing older dog any day.

Re: What Age??

Everyone has to make their own decisions, I'll share my reasoning for recently using a boy based on 18 month prelims (hips/elbows). I had a bitch who previously had sucessfully whelped a litter, then missed twice with good progesterone timing and even a surgical implant. On the next breeding I was looking for a boy who's pedigree would compliment my bitch, was optigen A (she's a B) and who was close enough that we could do fresh AI's (due to the two misses). It happened that this boy was the son of the sire of my bitches first litter--- which I am very happy with. He was about 18 months on the prelims and I was able to view the films myself. He has since passed at two.
Just like most things- there can be reasons to do things that might seem obvious to someone on the outside.
Personally, I would not be comfortable with prelims as the age becomes younger.... I have seen many change by 2. Given a choice of two males that would fit the bill I would likely go with the older dog, but I was comfortable enough with this boy to use him.

Re: What Age??

If someone wants to breed to a dog who prelimbed and there paying the stud fee, who's business is it but there's. Frankly I can breed to who ever I please! And all you guys can two. weather it's it a virgin dog at 11 years who looks like Doggy doo or a virgin at 10 months that's gorgeous it's my business and my Bitch!

Re: What Age??

spell check is your friend!

Re: What Age??

I agree.
I am about to use a young boy because I WANT TO. I love him, his character, his trainablilty, I know his bloodline, background, breeder, sire and dam and I want the pedigree. I am using him for his color, Optigen status, EIC clearances, and track record of the breeder. It's no more risky than using a two year old. I'm taking my chances and hoping for the best just like I would with an older dog.

You spellcheck police need to go to polite school.