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List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

I would like to find some EIC Clear Studs to consider for my girl's first breeding.
She is a carrier and I only want to use EIC Clear Studs.
Is there a list somewhere?

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Search OFA, just narrow your selection to males and the EIC test. Of course it's only going to be those dogs that were submitted, but it's a start and easy enough to do.
Good Luck

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

I would suggest researching studs that would compliment your girl in type and pedigree and make a list. Then go to their owners and ask if they have been tested/what their status is. Some folks are using the DDC test so they would not be posted on OFA.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Alright Stacey !!! Finally an anwser on this forum that actually is correct.

Breeding purely for clearances is wrong , folks ! Wrong in every way !

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Stacey - Briarwood
I would suggest researching studs that would compliment your girl in type and pedigree and make a list. Then go to their owners and ask if they have been tested/what their status is. Some folks are using the DDC test so they would not be posted on OFA.

Just my 2 cents.

Same as my 2 cents. If you only look for a listed EIC clear you will limit yourself. Find the studs you like and ask the owner like Stacey said. Remember, it's a new test that some folks doubt the full validity of, for good reasons. Many studs may not be tested. You'll find out when you make contact.

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Stacey - Briarwood
I would suggest researching studs that would compliment your girl in type and pedigree and make a list. Then go to their owners and ask if they have been tested/what their status is. Some folks are using the DDC test so they would not be posted on OFA.

Just my 2 cents.

That is exactly what I was going to say. Find the dogs that best suit your bitch and go from there. Ask the stud owners of the dogs you are interested in if they have been tested.

It is a fairly cheap test and I personally wouldn't mind doing it on my studs if someone interested in using them insisted on getting a result.

I personally believe that breeding to clearances is a mistake. Find out which dog, what pedigrees you want to breed to and then look at the clearances.

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Not to mention, maybe the best boy out there for you isn't tested, but now that you have inquired, the breeder will be willing to do the test.

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Or not. Many of us believe the test is not accurate!

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Or not. Many of us believe the test is not accurate!

And many believe it is accurate. Answering in this way doesn't help the original poster at all.

OFA lists those that have tested through the University of Minnesota and have paid the fee to be included.

Labradata is a free listing for anyone who wants to be included.

Personally, I've used both just to see which dogs are included but I've been most successful just politely asking the stud dog owners.

I have to say that there are people out there that say "no way" in public but are privately testing because they know they "have to".

My thanks to those people.

(hope this post meets the requirements of the new hall monitor ... my eyes are too bad to type with my nose on the computer screen )

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Two comments.

First, my dogs are all tested, but I have not paid to have it listed on the OFA database. I have the info with links to the certificates on my web site.

Second, I have been shopping lately for a stud. Found a lovely dog that had MH, hips, elbows, eyes EIC, but no CNM. I politely asked--he said he had the test kit but hadn't sent it in. He just informed me via email that the test has been sent.

I found another lovely male that had MH, hips, elbows, CNM and EIC, but hadn't had a CERF in five years. The breeder said she lived 5 hours away from the CERF doc, so she hasn't done a test since the dog was one year old, and doesn't plan to.

SO, all you can do is ask. Some understand the importance of the request, others will react differently.


Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

Or not. Many of us believe the test is not accurate!

Many people here will hate this reply. I'd better go look for my flame suit.

Accurate or not, some bitch owners are looking for it. I also don't believe this test is accurate. Also, I think it's too much hooplah for a statistically minor problem that has too many factors which can't be determined.

Even though I don't put much stock into this test some of my dogs have been tested. Why? Because bitch owners asked when they were considering my studs and becuase it's cheap.

I plan to test all of my studs eventually. So far they've all come back clear so I don't have a problem with the test's accuracy at all. Inacurate or not, the bitch owners who place stock into the test can place one more *gold star* by my dog's name. If one comes back affected or a carrier I simply won't advertise that he's had the test.

In the meantime, my tested dogs (like it or not) are taking business away from some of the untested dogs out there, even my own untested dogs. I have had a few people lately contact me about one stud and then switch to another because the other is EIC tested.

I don't believe EIC is much of an issue anyway. I think the statistics of affecteds are skewed because so many field dogs who were already collapsing and their offspring were all first in line to be tested for the disease. I have yet to see a dog collapse and have only heard of a small handful of carriers among show lines.

It's the cheapest test I've ever had done and can give your stud a leg up on the competition. Why not try it? I don't think there will ever be another Optigen type backlash with people spaying and neutering their dogs due to a test result.

IMO it can only help my program to get actively used stud dogs tested.

I think more conformation folks should. Let's get those percentages back where they belong. The majority of show lines I have seen and know of are mainly clear, not like the field lines with carriers and affecteds left and right.

Re: List of EIC Clear Studs-Where to find?

I don't hate your reply at all. What you believe about the validity or utility of the test doesn't affect me. You are testing your stud dogs, and that's what really counts to me and to the other people who are taking this condition seriously. I hope it pays off for you with increased stud services, as that seems to be your motivation for testing. Congratulations on having no carriers. Believe me, the majority of conformation breeders I know who have tested multiple dogs have had a different experience.