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The new hall monitor...

In an effort to help Jill with runaway posts I have agreed to help her monitor the forum. Unfortunately, Jill cannot be on this sight 24 hours a day and requires a bit of assistance. Not only from me, but from you as well. So here goes my request and thoughts:

(1) I am delighted when I enter the forum and see a healthy constructive debate amongst my peers. It allows for each of us to grow and learn and see other's points of views. The thread on who is the biggest winner will probably never be answered as there is probably 5 different ways you can disect the data to get 5 different answers. What you end up with, in most cases, is your personal favorite depending on the way you sliced the pie (e.g., BISS, BIS, producer, etc.). It is for this reason our sport is so wonderful. We are all passionate about the dogs we admire and as breeders strive to perfect what we have in our own breeding programs in what we see in other specimens.

(2) I would ask that before you post, reflect on what you are about to put in writing. While you may feel passionate about your post, consider how it reflects on Jill and the Wiscoy site. Remember that this forum is a tool that Jill has worked very hard on for us over the years. In essence, we have been given this site as a priveledge and not a right. I think we should all respect it as such. Don't you agree?

(3) In addition, every time a runaway post occurs, Jill receives phone calls and e-mails asking for negative things to be deleted. This occurs at all hours of the night and whether she is at home, enjoying a night out with friends, or traveling to a specialty. Do we really want to negatively impact her life on something she provides for free?

(4) I am glad I took the job in 6th grade as my elementary school hall monitor. In those days we gave out tickets and if you were really bad you had to put your nose against a glass window until the prinipal came. Fortunately, I am not in your presence and cannot enforce that type of rule. However, you can. Before you hit send think if this hall monitor would have you put your nose on your computer screen until the pricipal arrived.

In closing, I would ask that we all play nice in the sandbox together and treat each other with dignity and respect. I cannot tell you how many times I brag to others, in different breeds, how wonderful we Labrador people are. Let's try and keep it this way.

In closing, if you have the urge to post back negatively, I wouldn't bother. As I really do have the keys to the kingdom.

Respectfully your new hall monitor,

Re: The new hall monitor...

Michael your help will be much appreciated .

Thank you!

Re: The new hall monitor...

Just what this forum needed Michael. I love the "keys to the kingdom" quote...

Re: The new hall monitor...

LOL! Love it! Jill should count you as a BIG blessing

I admire your bravery... I was asked to monitor a forum for a large corporation last week, and I declined as quick I a could say NOOO--HOOO! LOL! Probably because of my experience on this forum, I don't think I'd have the stomach for it.

So I gladly look forward to a new "hall monitor" that may help this forum stay positive...and help give Jill a break!

Re: The new hall monitor...

"(4) I am glad I took the job in 6th grade as my elementary school hall monitor. In those days we gave out tickets and if you were really bad you had to put your nose against a glass window until the prinipal came. Fortunately, I am not in your presence and cannot enforce that type of rule. However, you can. Before you hit send think if this hall monitor would have you put your nose on your computer screen until the pricipal arrived."

Oh boy, Michael! I am so glad I wasn't in 6th grade with you! I would have been one of the kids with my nose plastered up against the glass....while plotting my revenge against the nerdy boy who made me stand there!! I bet you never smoked a cigarette in the Boys Room either! (ONLY KIDDING!! )

Re: The new hall monitor...

I have high hopes for this forum, now that we have someone monitoring it.

All I can say is don't mess with Michael! I have a son with the same name and it goes with the name.


Re: The new hall monitor...

Thank you Michael. May the force be with you! (along with the Tylenol and any other form of "medication" you choose! )

Re: The new hall monitor...

Love it, love it, love it..... Jill you've done a great job and we all should be grateful to you for your patience and kindness. I DO want to play in the sandbox and hopefully the hall monitor will keep the bullys away........

Re: The new hall monitor...

Your memory about kids having to stand with their nose to the window if they were really bad made me laugh! Thanks for an upbeat warning:-)


Re: The new hall monitor...

I'm glad you're the new hall monitor, Michael! Jill will have some peace of mind for sure...

I used to be one too, until I got beat up in the sixth grade! Did you have a cool belt to wear around your waist and did it go over your shoulder, too? Mine was white - only the Monitor in Charge could have flourescent orange!!!! Memories....

Re: The new hall monitor...

Here's a BIG HIGH FIVE for the new hall monitor!!

Re: The new hall monitor...

Who was someone supposed to call when this gift that Jill put on the web contained lies and inflammatory statements, if not the person who provided the service in the first place? Jill was the only one who had the ability to make the changes! Who was to know that she was at a Specialty, or out with friends? All a person would know is that something really ugly had been posted about them, they wanted it removed, and contacted the only person they knew could remove it.

Sadly the response to a request to remove could be as hurtful as the inflammatory world-seen post.

Hopefully the new "hall monitor" will provide a more cheerful response to requests, if nasty statements are made. I hope so.

Re: The new hall monitor...

Michael, I sent you a e-mail saying my wife thinks you are handsome a sharp dresser!

Then, I read or heard that you live in Contra Costa County - I grew up in Clayton, and attended Clayton Valley High School.

Then I heard you are returning to the east?

Small, small world! Today my 9-12 month Pup (Hubble) got 2 points in Freehold New Jersey! That makes 5 points - not bad for a Pup!

I got Hubble from Judy Chambers, my favorite lab person of all times!

Thanks for being the hall monitor!

Fil and Gina Craver

Re: The new hall monitor...

Off Subject...but Congrats Fil and Gina!
Hubble is the man!!

See you in Boston!
Kris M

Re: The new hall monitor...


May I say "Bravo!" We all love our Labradors like they were our blood, but we forget that attitude is the most important factor, not only in our dogs, but in ourselves. We all have opinions and how wonderful to be given such a great forum to utter them, but the drama and really quite nastiness that can be displayed is just "Un-called-for". Thanks for being our monitor and your eloquence is far beyond the high school halls. Thank you again!! and Jill - you are still the best!