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color question

Is it possible to get chocolate puppies, or an all chocolate litter from a black/yellow bitch? She does not have chocolate in her pedigree.Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

Re: color question

Yes, it is possible to get an all chocolate litter from a black and a yellow. BUT it is not possible to get even one chocolate from a breeding that both parents do not carry chocolate. So if you are seeing chocolates in a litter, both parents carry chocolate. Just because you don't SEE any chocolate in her pedigree does not mean it is not there.

Re: color question

Well put. Both parents MUST carry the chocolate gene. Byc or Bc x Yc. It is THE only way possible.

Even if you have NO chocolates in the yellow's pedigree - there has to be one relative who carries the chocolate gene.

Easy peasy

Re: color question

I was lucky enough to have one of those hidden chocolates. My girl Nell, chocolate, both parents black and the pedigree looks all black and yellow. But over the years, she, her kids, her grandkids have given me the nicest chocolate line I could hope for. One yellow in 4 generations has ever shown up. I do breed chocolate to chocolate all the time. No fear there. Always great darks and nice pigment. Just know what you are breeding and who you are breeding to. Study the pedigrees. Chocolates are a great challenge. My LOVE.

Re: color question
Re: color question

Thank you!

Re: color question

And remember, the way the color chart works, you have a 25% chance of getting one of those combinations. It's entirely possibly that the way the genetic dice was thrown, the 25% chance showed up chocolate in EACH pup. You are never guaranteed an even split.

Re: color question

Question on Yellow's carrying Chocolates --- Is that even a smart combo?

By looking at a yellow who cares chocolate you can tell through their pigmentation and the yellowish eyes

Does the standard not state BLACK pigmentation ?

Re: color question

I think you are confusing yellow carrying chocolate with dudleys.

Any nice yellow out there can be secretly carrying chocolate as easily as a black can.

Re: color question

What are "dudleys"

Re: color question

Question on Yellow's carrying Chocolates --- Is that even a smart combo?

By looking at a yellow who cares chocolate you can tell through their pigmentation and the yellowish eyes

Does the standard not state BLACK pigmentation ?

A yellow carrying chocolate only has one of the chocolate genes, not two, so they have black pigment - they would be eeBb. A yellow with chocolate pigment (aka, no black pigment) would be eebb, genetically-speaking.

Re: color question

The yellow's whom I have seen that carry chocolate all seem to be of the darker shade of yellow. Anyone else notice this?


Re: color question

I have noticed yellows carrying choco are a light cream colour

Re: color question

I have noticed yellows carrying choco are a light cream colour

The color a dog carries recessively has NOTHING to do with the actual coat color, whether it be light or dark! A recessive gene is just that - recessive - it isn't a phenotypical characteristic of the dog.

Re: color question

I agree, I have seen lighter and darker yellows that carry chocolate. And light eyes can come from a black dog. And a well known one, older passed it on. A fact. There are alot of beliefs that go around that are so wrong. A black to a chocolate is not going to improve eye, coat, pigment color. Gees. Its what each dog carrys, the genes. Know Sharon can really educate us on this. And help some to understand better. Thats why we keep saying, do your homework, dig into those pedigrees. Surprises happen !

Re: color question

Question on Yellow's carrying Chocolates --- Is that even a smart combo?

By looking at a yellow who cares chocolate you can tell through their pigmentation and the yellowish eyes

Does the standard not state BLACK pigmentation ?

This is just a myth. But it is believed by enough people. Look at Louis Downtown, Marty and Chute. Do you see anything wrong with their pigment, or do you see yellow eyes?

Re: color question

It really is hit or miss I think.

Some of their offspring do show it for sure.