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web sites

what or how would you handle someone who has pictures of your dogs and puppies on their web site ???

Re: web sites

contact them and tell them to take the off or you will report it to their server

Re: web sites

contact them and tell them to take the off or you will report it to their server

It might have been done innocently. Taking that into consideration, I think asking them to remove the pictures and explaining why might be the best bet.

Re: web sites

Is she claiming they are hers'? If she is giving you credit, maybe you should thank her.

Re: web sites

It seems that many people who use a well know stud dogs will copy a picture to put on their litter page. As a stud owner, do you find that people ask you if they can do this, or do they just assume that you consent?

Re: web sites

Nobody asks me if they can use my dogs picture on their website. Personallly, I don't like it. Type his name , and link it to my website , that would be a better idea.

Re: web sites

A lot of them ask me permission, but I ask them to not post the pictures on their site. They can send them privately by email, or send a link to a page on my website.

Re: web sites


In today's society people spend maybe a second on a page. If they have to do another click to see a stud dog, because the owner will not share the photos, they probably will not bother and go onto someone else's site that has both photos!
I put the sire and dam's pictures on the site and link his name to the stud dog kennel so they can see where he came from.
Good golly it is getting to the point some stud dog owners think they are GOD!! What does a 1000.00 stud fee buy you? I can't even use his picture to sell his puppies where more than half will be pets!

Re: web sites

I would think that you would want as much advertisement and promotion for your dogs and puppies as you can get. That is of course unless you do not respect the breeder who has your dogs & puppies on their website? If the pictures are your own then you can simply ask for them to be removed and they have to remove them. I remember when my webmaster set up my website, he told me that if you take pictures or something from another website and you are reported they will give you a warning to remove them because it is your property.

Re: web sites

If that's all they spend on a page is a second, why did they bother going there in the first place? They can't be very interested anyway if thats all the time they spend there. If one more click is too much for them to do, they can go elsewhere.
I don't like anyone using my photos either. I have given permission to some and sent them a photo, but I really hate it when anyone takes it without asking. The photos are my property and they should always ask.
It has nothing to do with a stud fee. I already get all the exposure I care to have.

Re: web sites

I agree with "This one got to me". I am in eMarketing and she is absolutely right about people not wanting to click through to links if they don't have to. They want what they want when they want it. Read the book---- Click.

Re: web sites

I am personally not a breeder, am planning my first for Jan (hopefully)

I do not believe any reputable breeder believes that they are "God"
You don't have to pay the K ....

As I see it:
1. You can take it or leave it
2. You have no respect for any stud dog breeder
3. Are jealous of those who have worked long and hard to get where they are

You do have a couple of options
a. use a BYB stud dog and their pictures
b. don't breed dogs

It's disrepectful to the breeder who has worked years to build their reputation and then have someone come along and then just take those pictures for their own benefit

It does not take long to attach a link to the breeder's page. If someone is interested then they will research properly. I would rather have that forever family that did proper research...

Too many complaints about paying k for stud dog .... if you can't afford the hobby don't do it....


Re: web sites


Re: web sites

I'm confused.

Is this about a picture of your stud dog on someone else's litter page? Or is this about pictures of your dog and puppies that someone has on their site, portraying them as their own (or even as the ideal)?

If it's the former, I have no problem with someone 'stealing' pictures of my boy when they've chosen to breed to him. In fact, I've asked permission to use other peoples' pictures for that very reason, especially to line up the parents side by side, and most breeders say of course you can! I think its nice to see how the combination complements each other.

If it's the latter, then absolutely I would email to tell the owner that these are your pictures and to please remove them.

Re: web sites

You may if you ask !!! The point is , nobody asks!

Re: web sites

Replying to:

"You may if you ask !!! The point is , nobody asks!"

I always ask. It's common courtesy.

Re: web sites

I suspected that most people don't ask. My guess is that they assume that you are pleased they are breeding to your dog and would be happy for them to advertise for you. I do believe that no one is being malicious, just ill informed about Copyright laws and web etiquette.

Re: web sites

Wow, this one had me scrambling to ask the stud owner whose photo is on my website if it is permissable to have the photo there! I have seen so many stud photos on others sites, I thought it was the usual acceptable practice. Thankfully, my stud owner's response just came back as "Absolutely" :)

Thanks to all of you, I learn so much, had no idea I was supposed to ask :(. I should have thought about it. I know of a photographer who takes lots of agility photos who actually sued and won when someone used his photos without permission and referral to his name. I sure the same would apply here.

Don't assume someone is knowingly in the wrong, talk to them about it.

Re: web sites

me to, which one is it that makes a whole lot of difference

I'm confused.

Is this about a picture of your stud dog on someone else's litter page? Or is this about pictures of your dog and puppies that someone has on their site, portraying them as their own (or even as the ideal)?


Re: web sites

I think there is a huge difference between scenarios...

A) You buy semen 00 and the stud owner knows you are breeding a litter, it's advertisement for BOTH parties. I can't imagine it's a problem to put the stud photo on your website, with a link back to the owner's website.

B) You take photos of cute labs and use them as generic photos on your website, well that's just wrong.

Re: web sites

When I breed a litter, I always put the picture of the stud dog on my site. I figure, I am helping promote the stud dog as well as giving puppy families the opportunity to see the pictures of the mother and father together. I also include a link so that they can view the kennel where the dog came from and see his health clearences, parents, pedigrees, etc. I think if the stud owners don't want their stud's photos showing up on websites of individuals that have bred to them, they should protect the pictures from being copied and pasted.

Re: web sites

Wow, some people have way too much time on their hands to worry about if a breeder uses their stud and puts a photo on their site or not!!
How juvenile!!
What really is the BIG DEAL???????.
As long as credit is given stating the name of the dog who really cares??????
Honestly I have seen a LOT of sites with photos in their pedigrees and I love being able to see that!!
How about if we just take bad photos of your dogs at shows and use those on our sites?? Good or not!!!
What would be worse??

Re: web sites

I asked permission of the stud dog owner if I could use a few images of their stud dog on my Puppies/litters page, I also provided a link back to their site, for more images, the pedigree, clearances etc... I think asking is just the right thing to do, it shows respect and courtesy. How awkward it would be if you posted pictures on your site, and the stud dog owner didn't like it.

Re: web sites

I was told about a website that had taken one of my dogs photos and placed it on their site. The big problem was that they were using the picture with a different name and claiming it was their dog. They also had other pictures up and it looked like the dogs belonged to them, when they did not. Most copied pictures are innocently done, others are not! We all contacted them and they got very nasty - we finally got the pictures taken off but it wasn't easy.

Re: web sites

what if they took pictures of your pups and put them on their web site?? under their puppy page??

Re: web sites

I agree 100% that using pictures of dogs that don't belong to you and claiming they DO, is wrong.
But using pictures of the sire or dam of a litter or a dog you DO own, with proper names and credit, what's the big deal???

Re: web sites

The "big deal" is ownership. You own the semen that you purchased for $xxxx. You do not own the right to use the stud to advertise your litter.

Asking is free and I bet that 9 times out of 10 the stud owner will be pleased to have you use his picture on your site.

The argument that people should somehow protect their images if they don't want them used without consent is ludicrous. If something is illegal, it's illegal - which image harvesting from someone else's website is. Full stop. A website belongs to the owner that created and paid for it. Taking some part of it to use yourself is no different that taking a physical object from someone.

Re: web sites

As a photographer it gets me fuming when someone just takes my photos without asking. It does happen alot. I have hundreds of hours, and many years of work into perfecting my shooting style, and hundreds of dollars in equipment. My photos are a very personal expression of who I am, of what I see, and how I see things. They are my property and they are no different to me than any of my possessions. Taking my photos without asking is stealing plain and simple.

Re: web sites


...The argument that people should somehow protect their images if they don't want them used without consent is ludicrous. If something is illegal, it's illegal - which image harvesting from someone else's website is...

I agree, but then I shouldn't have to lock my house or the doors to my vehicles because going into them and taking stuff is illegal also. Yet people do it.

web sites

Apparently, you just don't get it
Because you pay $xx for semen from stud dog does not make you entitled to any and all priveleges!

Re: web sites

We just put the dogs name and a link back to the stud dogs web page. Have seen some with alot of the stud dogs they have used in the past and have it worded like they live there and a pet person would think they own these very nice stud dogs. They don't really show it as another kennel. I would hate that. But being a long time breeder I do like to see both sire and dam shown. Makes it quick. Pet familys, do you really think they know what they are looking at anyway. Most would not.

Re: web sites

Some breeders make their websites in a way that people can't use their images, then the same breeders load their sites with images of every dog they can find.

Re: web sites

Apparently, you just don't get it
Because you pay $xx for semen from stud dog does not make you entitled to any and all priveleges!

All you have to do is ask the stud-dog owner's permission. Most will say yes, I would guess over 90%. It's a courtesy, so ask before you post a photo that doesn't belong to you. How easy is that?

Re: web sites

Before anyone takes any photographs off of anyone's website, just look at what you are risking.

If the photograph is copyrighted, you can be sued and required to pay damages plus the copyright holder's attorney's fee if you cannot demonstrate with proof that you licensed the photograph from the website or in the alternative from the photographer, if the website using the original photograph was not the one who took it and who actually owns the copyright.

You may lose your AKC previleges. It is amazing how many show catalogs include the AKC Rules of Sportsmanship, and how very few read them. One of them is " Sportsmen will deal fairly with all those who trade with them ". If you don't think stealing photos from a breeder's website violates this rule, give it a shot. Then when we all read about you in the AKC Gazette, about your previleges being suspended and you being fined, because you "stole" (read not deal fairly with someone else in the hobby) someone else's property in the fancy, then we will all know for sure how wrong it is to steal someone else's photographs without their permission. Good luck!

Re: web sites

With all this discussion about taking others photos of their dogs off of their websites, what about those taking graphics? Like akc, ukc and club logos and using them for their websites? Isn't this all copyright?

Re: web sites

Speaking of Stealing
How about the moderator of another forum uses a police agency's logo as her avatar? That logo is only to be used by the corporations and such with whom the agency does business.

The forum's owner had to change her own kennel name because someone else pilfered it, and even has a link - - on her kennel website. What a bitter irony that one of her moderators hasn't been schooled in that subject, yet she was "hired" to enforce it! Clearly, it's "Don't do as I do, do as I say."

Oh, I'm gonna get flamed for this...

This person's husband had 37 close personal friends and co-workers at the NY Port Authority whose lives were lost in a few moments on 9/11. When I read your post I simply sat there in disbelief and shock. Comparing her use of that badge to stealing a kennel name is beyond comprehension. If you have a shred of decency you will pick up your poison pen and write an apology to her, to Laura, and to the rest of Jill's forum members.