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Umbilical Hernia's

Does anyone have a link (s) regarding canine umblilical hernias and the mode of inheritance? Or willing to shed some information.

I saw a couple sites where it states that they are genetic. Trying to do some research.

Re: Umbilical Hernia's

Some hernias are caused by the dam chewing and tugging at the chord when the pups are being whelped.

Re: Umbilical Hernia's

They can also result from a C section when it is a rush to get a large number of pups out quickly.

One of my dogs had one (born via C section) but none of her pups did.

Re: Umbilical Hernia's

I have a Rottweiler breeder friend who says she gets one or more in almost every litter.

Re: Umbilical Hernia's

It's one of those things. If you see alot of umbilical hernias then maybe it's time to rethink.