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Calcium Content

I've seen on this forum reference to calcium and phosphorus ratio. Can anyone tell me what is a good ratio? I am playing with two foods, one has calcium of .9 with phosphorus of .7 the other had calcium 1.2 with phosphorus of .8. I'm leary of too much calcium with my girls, I believe we are seeing way too many c-sections and I believe some of it is due to added calcium. JMHO.
Also, what percentage of fat is too much? My girls are reasonably active, but we don't hike every day. Surprises me to see some foods with higher percentage of fat yet lower calorie count.
Thanks for the info.

Re: Calcium Content

The Ca/P ratio will affect the whelping process, and the mother's nursing period. The uterus need Calcium to contract and push the puppies out. This causes a drop in blood Calcium that triggers the hormone that causes the calcium to be extracted from the bones. If there is too much Calcium available because of a diet rich in Calcium, this hormone does not get the signal soon enough, and 2 things can happen:
1.- Uterine inertia. The uterus stops contracting after the blood calcium drops, and the whelp process stops.
2.- Eclampsia. potentially deadly low calcium levels in the blood because of milk production. Usually 2-4 weeks after whelp and in large litters.
I like Ca/P ratio of 1/0.8 or 1.25 or lower for the pregnant bitch.