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Voluntary DNA clearance List

I decided that if I kept it simple and if everyone understood that listings won't show up instantaneously then I can do the list people want.

Thing to remember!! This is completely voluntary and none of the listings have been verified.

For verified listings please check the OFA or Labradata sites.

DNA Clearance List

Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

Cathy, I like your idea and the simplicity of it! I especially like that all of the information, including the sire and dam, are listed on one page. This is a real time saver. Unfortunately I don't have any results to list yet (soon). Thank you for doing this, I hope others will add to your list.

Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

Thanks. I want it easy for others but *definitely* for me.

I'm hoping I get a few submissions.

Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

Thanks, Cathy. Hope your list gets used.

Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

So....I'm wondering, what's the problem?

Why hasn't anyone added to this list??? Isn't this what everyone has been asking for?

I don't get it.

Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

Thanks to everyone who has submitted. I look forward to more listings!

Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

The website has been updated.

Thanks everyone for sending in your dogs.


Re: Voluntary DNA clearance List

There are now 46 dogs on the list!