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puppies eating poo

I am having an issue that is driving me crazy.
this is the first litter I have kept in the house.
they are currently 7 weeks old

have been eating three times a day approximately 2-3 cups per puppy. I know they are getting enough as they leave some behind every meal. Pro Plan Puppy dry only

have been wormed with and fecal are clean, stool is looks great, consistency and smell.

pups are in 6 x 12 area with two 24 x24 boxes filled with pine pellets. They use the pine boxes to potty.

I change the boxes daily and clean every time I walk through the room.

My problem is I have to go to work from 9-1 PM daily. While I am gone the puppies are eating the stools. I have seen one female pup do it while I was here.


Re: puppies eating poo

There is probably a lot of undigested food in the stools. give them some plain yogurt. It will help with the digestion.