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Am getting a puppy coming from a breeding--they are from parents that are By. will all the puppies that are black carry yellow ? will any of the yellow also carry for black ???

Re: color

Black That Carries Yellow To A Black That Carries Yellow
produces 50% By, 25% BB, 25% Y

Re: color

To answer the last part of your question: no the yellow puppies won't carry black.

Re: color

Georgia Girl
To answer the last part of your question: no the yellow puppies won't carry black.

Actually they do.

Re: color

Yellows do not carry black! Recessive can not carry dominant genes!
one in a million black puppy out of yellows must be a mutation, and does not constitute a carrier.

Re: color

You statement is misleading. You make it sound like you can't get a black from a yellow. You can't get a black from two yellows, but you can easily get black puppies from a yellow.

Re: color

Okay, your all yellow girl can be bred to a black boy that carrys yellow and yes, your litter will surely be yellow and black puppys. Trying to make it simple.

Re: color

VetGen results: Please help me understand. My yellow female, BB carries black, does not carry brown. Also, what does BB mean? Thank you

Re: color

BB = Black dominant. Can not produce puppies other than black no matter what color the sire is.

BY = Black but recessive for yellow
BC = Black but recessive for chocolate
BYC = Black but recessive for yellow and chocolate
YY = Yellow with no recessive
YC = Yellow but recessive for chocolate
CC = Chocolate with no recessive
CY = Chocolate but recessive for yellow

Re: color


Your yellow girl is BBee, which means she is yellow (homozygous recessive at the 'e' locus) and she does not carry chocolate (homozygous dominant at the "b" locus).

The blueknight site is great for explaining this stuff too! This is from there:

Coat Color Inheritance
In The Labrador Retriever
BB = black Lab, no chocolate gene
Bb = black Lab, carries chocolate gene
bb = chocolate Lab, no black gene

Yellow is produced by the presence of a recessive epistatic gene which has the effect of masking the the black or chocolate genes.
EE = no yellow gene
Ee = yellow carrier but apears either black or chocolate
ee = yellow Lab

EEBB =Basic Black (BB)
EEBb =Black that carries Choc. (Bc)
EeBB =Black that carries Yellow(By)
EeBb =Black that carries Yellow and chocolate (Byc)
eeBB =Yellow (Yy) [does not carry chocolate]
eeBb =Yellow that carries Chocolate (Yc)
eebb =chocolate pigmented yellow ~ No Black Pigment (NBP)
EEbb =Chocolate (CC) [does not carry yellow]
Eebb =Chocolate that carries yellow (Cy)

Re: color

Thank you. Have patience with me. If I breed her to a byc, is it safe to say I'll have blacks and yellows?

Re: color

Go to the Blue Knight site:
Black who carries both Choc and Yellow bred to a Yellow (Yy)
Produces 25% By ~ 25% Byc ~ 25% Yy ~ 25% Yc

Re: color

byc? This could be Bbee or BbEe That is why it is good to stick with the b's and e's.

Re: color

When most people say BYC, they would mean BbEe. BYC usually refers to black who carries yellow and chocolate. Bbee would be yellow. YC usually refers to a yellow who carries chocolate.

BbEe is proper. The BYC method used to be the more common way.

Re: color

PS It is technically not proper to say that a yellow carries black, but most yellows have at least one black gene. The black (and potentially chocolate) gene is just on a different chromosome than the yellow gene. Some people get all bent out of shape if you don't use the words properly.

Re: color

Go, Go, Go, Thank you that's exactly what I was looking for.