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New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

I just had a litter and milk was coming out of her nipples for the pups and is a Great Mom. (2 days ago) Pups are able to suck and feed so there must be milk but minimal. Is there anything you can do to increase milk in a new Mom? I have given her icecream and yogurt and milk everyday on top on 2 Large meals a day. I even have thrown in a can of Mackeral for the additonal Calcium. Puppies have gained only a few ozs but are all healthy and vigorous. TIA

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

I would routinely feed a new mother 3 meals aday of quality food . And I have on occassions added the powdered puppy formula on top of the mothers meal .
I also have bought the new zealand colostrum powdered product and used it for a suppliment when milk flow is an issue or if there were many puppies.
I have found that some times a new mother gets so wrapped up in being a doadding mommy that they do not climb out of the whelping unit to get the proper fluids which wil also help make the milk .
They would rather lay in the box and succle the puppies and clean them than jump out to drink water.
So always provide water on the dry kibble you feed.
Also offer some puppy formula to the mom to drink in the box while you supervize . Maybe 1-2 times a dya for a short period.
I would not give ice cream and if you use the puppy formula dezigned for dogs then yogart isnt really benifical except for the good bacteria it has .But I use probiotics for that .
The puppy formula has sufficent calicum so the mackeral isnt really needed . Infact it could be a bit rich for her and give her loose stools so be careful.
You may try a simpler meat source such as some cooked chicken strips added to her regular food for the protien .
Just monitor the water to make sure shes getting her fluids. Thats important .

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

Sometimes there is a transition period when real milk starts to come down at about 48 hours, and there seems to be a shortage. It doesn't last for long and as long as the bitch is drinking plenty, the milk should come in. I bring the water dish over to the bitch in the box, to remind her to drink, If she is not drinking enough I put some canned beef broth in the water. My litter is a week old now and it isn't a big litter - the bitch is getting 6 to 7 cups given in three portions during the day.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

Watch these pups like a hawk. I lost three puppies to dehydration because of this very problem. Even after I took the litter into emergency, two of them died. It was too late to save them once I noticed what was going on. We had to tube feed and sub-q the rest of the litter. This is a bit different than your situation because my girl had no milk. Her next litter was very different. She had enough milk for two litters. I had a back-up mom waiting in the wings for the second litter.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

You may want to do some research on domperidone or ask your vet about it. it is used on mares to increase or even induce lactation and is safe. I know it has human applications as well which makes me think that it could be effective in canine's too. Good luck.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

If the puppies are satisfied, and can keep temperature, why are you worry about the mother not having enough milk?
Most times you can't really see lots of milk coming out of the nipples when you press them, but the puppies will stimulate the gland, and get enough milk.
If the puppies urine is pale yellow, they are fine. If the urine is getting darker, that's when you need to worry.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

I would be careful giving your mom dog to many different foods. Just feed her a good food and let nature work. Pups don't need much those first few days. I don't weigh my pups at all after they are born. Just when they are born. You can tell if they are eating and getting enough. The milk will kick in. Relax !

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

How large is your litter? She will have as much milk as the puppies are asking for under normal circumstances. There is a short window between colostrum and milk that there doesn't seem to be enough and the pups may fuss, but not for long. I would give her much more than two large meals a day particularly as they get older and are demanding more of her. Have water down 24/7; this is what makes milk. If she's not drinking much, give her some chicken broth. The salt will make her thirsty. Just a few suggestions that work for me.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

If the pups are only a couple of days old and have already gained "a few ounces" they are doing great and you should not worry.
You need to be weighing those babies everyday until you are satisfied each and everyone in gaining on a regular basis. As long as they are, don't worry.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

Excellent reply.

Hungy or cold pups will cry. That is the first sign.

If you pick the pup up facing you under the arms with one hand and their bellies are pear shaped they are being fed. Some times you may not be able to get milk but they can.

If they are gaining weight then do not worry.

I have a Beagle bitch I swear had NO milk. I did have to suppliment the pups for the first couple of days but after that her milk came in (the pups showed that but again I couldn't get anything) and she fed the pups sucessfully with full bellies until they were weaned.

Oh... and do not use puppy replacer for your pups. It is worthless! It doesn't have nearly enough fat or enough protein. I use Whole Lactaid that you can find in the grocers fridge. I used to use canned or bottled goat milk but it goes bad really super fast and the Lactaid is much safer and better all the way around.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

Thanks to all of you for your replies and suggestions. My concern is with all my past litters there was a more serious amount of milk coming out of the mother as well as a more marked weight gain. I have been giving her more broth and liquids as this coud be the problem since she is glued to them.....

The pups have gained only about 6 ozs since birth 2 1/2 days ago and thats why I was worried. They are healthy and thriving and at the milk bar. I am supplementing with an old recipe of mine.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

6 ounces is wonderful! On a large litter we are tickled with 3 ounces in 3 days.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

I agree with Gregg. Phyllis Holst in her book "Canine Reproduction" says you want to see a weight gain of 1/2 - 2 ounces a day. Proportionate to their birth weight, this is a good weight gain progression. But watch and weigh every puppy daily, at the same time each day. I also agree with your bitch having free access to cold, fresh water at all times. Your bitch doesn't neccessarily need more calcium to produce more milk volume, but water and a good quality diet are essential.
I also would feed her 3 times a day, every 8 hours.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

The weight that they have gained is great. As long as they continue to gain - I would not worry. I weigh my pups until they have doubled their birth weight.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

2 oz per day is a good weight gain for the pups so if they have gained 6 oz in 2 1/2 days that is a good weight gain. On the other hand what I do with my bitches that have pups is to feed them a good quality food that is about double what their normal ration is, as the pups get older I increase it. I also give them water with a few tablespoons of goats milk in it to get them to drink in a bowl while they are in the box with their puppies about 6-8 times a day. I become the mommy doggie maid while they are lactating. Giving too many supplements is not good for them so I stick to the basics.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

I had a 3rd litter from a bitch that had done fine nursing her pups previously. She had a normal delivery and normal size litter(8). At 2-3 days, I noticed a couple of pups not doing well. Milk supply just wasn't what it should have been. I gave sub Q fluids to 2 pups and started supplementing. All made it. The one that was is the worst shape, is now a certified guide dog. The only thing that I can think of, is that I didn't think she was bred at 5-6 wks and did not increase her food soon enough. If the bitch is under stress, her body may conserve/protect her needs. It is a survival instinct that we think even comes in to play in humans.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

I agree with just keeping the bitch on high quality food. You can add some yogurt of cottage cheese for protien. Other than that if you have a good protien source based food, you should be fine.

What I do to make sure the bitch is keeping up her fluids is put water in her food so I know she is getting at least a cup or two with each of her feedings in addition to the water she drinks in between meals.

Re: New Lab Mom has only a little bit of milk for pups

Thanks again. All puppies doing great and at 2 lbs in 6 days. I am just giving the Mom more broths in her quality dry food. The milk is there but only a little and I supplement.........