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lost female labrador tattoo#LCZ28?( Northern Ontario Canada)

We received a call from the Labrador Retriever club of America, that a labrador female approx 3-5 yrs old was found in Hearst Ontario( Way up northern Ontario).The people who found her tried contacting the CKC and also the AKC with the tattoo number.THis resulted in not luck.They contact the Labrador Retriever Club of American for assistance.Inturn,
I was contacted to try to assist.

I spoke with the couple who found this female and she is fully trained, very obedient, knows commands, loves car rides, leashed trained, and is in very good shape.
She had a red collar on her but no other information.The tattoo number is in the right ear and the letters could be faded somewhat. They had her scanned to see if there was a microchipped, but nothing showed up.
A radio station plea has been sent out in their local area also flyers they posted, they have had her for a week now.
They are willing to hold on to her for awhile.
I explained that if she needed rescue that several rescues have been contacted by me and also that several Canadian breeders lists have been notified. We are trying to track the tattoo number down or any combination on that number that is a labrador with the CKC.
Thank you Julie( LOS Sec) for contacting the CKC again and hopefully on Monday you may have better luck.

If there is any CANADIAN breeder on this list that has this tattoo combination or similair please contact me.

Again she is a Black female ( appears to not have had a litter, not sure if she is spayed), in good fit shape, very friendly, knows commands, loves car rides and walks and leashed trained.

These people are trying very hard to locate the owner or breeder of the dog.

Thank you to the Lab Club of America for informing us of this to try to assist.

EIC Testing in Europe

I have run out of places to look for labs that do EIC testing in Europe and come to the conclusion that there are none. If any of the European breeders know of a Laboratory in our neck of the woods that does this test, please let me know. Thanking all in advance!

Re: lost female labrador tattoo#LCZ28?( Northern Ontario Canada)

A tattoo in the ear sounds like a service dog school or European tattoo. The Seeing Eye her in NJ usually has the birthdate, but I don't remember the rest of it. In the one we took out of a shelter, the tattoo was already fading at about age 4 years, since it had been done when she was a pup.I recommend checking with guide and service dog schools. Also check with the old tattoo registries, such as NDR, in case a tattoo is listed with them. Bless the folks who took her in!

Re: EIC Testing in Europe

Re: lost female labrador tattoo#LCZ28?( Northern Ontario Canada)

Breeders in Canada that do Tattoos have the option to put the tattoo in the ear or flank area, however I will look into the service dogs in Ontario.
I see some posts on this thread which are not related to the topic.

Re: EIC Testing in Europe

ritva juutilainen

Is Finland the only European Country that is testing for EIC? Very interesting.

Re: EIC Testing in Europe

Im in Spain and I dont care what others do or dont do here and all of the controversy behind EIC, Im testing all of mine!

Re: EIC Testing in Europe

I think Germany also tests for EIC included with the PRA test..........

Re: EIC Testing in Europe

Breeder in Spain - Not to be confused with SPANIARD!
Im in Spain and I dont care what others do or dont do here and all of the controversy behind EIC, Im testing all of mine!

Why can't you send it to the United States? Obviously, there are few to no labratories in Europe and not many countries are testing for EIC.

I sent CNM testing to France. So, what's the difference?

Re: EIC Testing in Europe

hello labrador friends in usa

i have no idea why finland should be only country to test, all i know is that finland follows closely what goes on and how the test work....and the laboratory i mentioned is the only one in europe that finland accepts, also its far more convienient to send the samples within EU than to usa, which ofcourse is no problem in it self.
has so far all the test results from our labs on their webpage.
off to pick up my daughter-in-law from the airport, she is a FKC judge returning from a show.

Re: lost female labrador tattoo#LCZ28?( Northern Ontario Canada)


We are still looking for the owner, but it may appear hopeless. We have tried several options but to no end.
The tattoo number does not fit with any CKC tattoo, or AKC tattoo (reg).
We have tried the national service dogs, also the Ontario Vet association as some vets office in Ontario had their own clinic # tattoo.
Lab rescue in Ontario has been informed if needed to assist in placing this girel.
So, she is safe and the people caring for her right now are willing to wait awhile longer.
The radio station and local newspapers have been informed and the local pound and humane society in northern Ontario.Flyers were sent out and also several lost dog websites in Ontario have been research to see if anyone is missing their dog.

Re: lost female labrador tattoo#LCZ28?( Northern Ontario Canada)

Update. The people who have been take care of the female have found a new home for her. A young family with a 12 yr son. They will be arranging for her to join then on Sunday. This family does not live to far away from the people who found her.

Re: lost female labrador tattoo#LCZ28?( Northern Ontario Canada)

That's good news! It would have been better if the owner showed up but glad to see she is going to a home already