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Problem Food???

To those that use Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy food, have any of you seen a change in your puppies stool, skin, coat or ears over the past 6-8 months??? I have noticed a change with our pups over the past 6-8 months and the only thing in common is the food they are eating. I'm wondering if there was a change in the way this is made? I'm considering changing to another type of puppy food.


Re: Problem Food???

I'm sorry I can't help you with possible changes to the formula for Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy. I have never had good look luck with Iams or Eukanuba products. In the last 3 months I started using Canidae All Stages 4 meat formula. So far, I'm very happy with the results. I have a senior girl and a senior boy that have had inflammed ears and the senior girl suddenly developed colitis. I moved all of the kidlets to Canidae and the ears have cleared up and the colitis has not reared it's ugly head.I have a 16 week old on the same diet and she is doing well. Coat is gorgeous. The 2 young adults are doing equally well. So far, Canidae seems to be a very good food for all stages.