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EIP ???

With all the buzz about EIC, I wanted to see if anyone had experienced EIP - Excitement Induced Peeing.

We have a little black female who is 5 months old that when excited just lets it out. Not a dribble a regular stream that ends up in a puddle. It is not submissive peeing as she does not cower. On the contrary she jumps up snuggles in your chest on her hind legs, wags her tail happily, jumps up and down and just lets it go. Has anyone ever experienced this? Since our poor Labradors are tested for everything else, I wonder if we had a test for EIP. All kidding aside, have you heard of this?


Re: EIP ???

I'd laugh, except I'm sure it's not a laughing matter. I've had a puppy bitch who would pee while wagging and appearing happy - not the usual submissive peeing with tail tucked, etc... The only thing that worked (eventually) was making sure she had just gone outside and peed immediately after letting her out of the crate, or bringing her in from the outside kennels, and pretty much ignoring the peeing if it did happen. She did outgrow it by the time she was 7-8 months old.

ps - thanks for not sending me the peeing girl

Re: EIP ???

I have a 3 1/2 mos old male puppy who does this too.........not submissive, as when I take him to town, for socialization, he lunges at people and barks excitedly, tail ( whole body, really ) wagging !
It is embarassing, ( for me ), but I suppose he should outgrow it. ( I hope! )

Re: EIP ???

Funny! Mine didn't outgrow EIP until she was over a year old! Only happened when she entered the dog training facility, she loves other dogs and agility, so embarassing. Mine is a body wagger too, tail never stops.

Re: EIP ???

Yep.....I do that sometimes!!! LOl!
Okay --seriously ......yes I have had a couple of puppies do that but they have outgrown it .

Re: EIP ???

I had one once that we nicknamed "The joy of reunion",,,and the agony of "defeet"

Re: EIP ???

ROFL....I have a sweet girl with an outgoing happy nature that just can't "contain" herself when either her "daddy" or I come home. She's 16 weeks and not the least submissive, just excited! Best way we have gotten around it is for me to put down my handbag, etc and take everybody outside as soon as I get home. Daddy works from the house so she has frequent trips outside throughout the day.All the kidlets are so happy to see me when I get home, nice to have the happy greeting. Gotta love it!
Lisa M

Re: EIP ???

I've had it and the girl outgrew it. My vet said it was just an immature bladder.

Now I have a young boy who gets so excited when he sees my 13 year old granddaughter that he "lets loose". Usually, when he's jumping up on her! It only happens with her. Fortunately, she loves him as much as he loves her.

Re: EIP ???

Hee Hee. I have one that did that as a puppy. He was NOT submissive in any way either - leaping up to say hi and very very outgoing and confident. My vet told me it was "submissive urination" but that did not describe him at all and so yes I dubbed it "excitable urination" instead. He simply outgrew it by about 8 - 9 months old. I would never get angry at him over it - it didn't appear that he had control since he was housebroken very early.

Re: EIP ???

I have had those too. Have one right now, 6 mos old.

Just keep in mind that it IS most likely submissive peeing.

"Submissive" doesn't neccessarily mean "scared".

Like those girls that flop over on their backs when you pet them. Not afraid, just happy and letting their guard down to show they trust you.

All dogs with good temperaments should be submissive to humans. I don't mean this in negative way at all.

We always talk about how we are the "pack leaders" and our dogs are our "pack". Well, this is one way they are showing us that is in fact the case

Re: EIP ???

My Arnold daughter did it until she was 6 months old! We could only laugh about it, since I lost many a shoe!

Re: EIP ???

I have had those too. Have one right now, 6 mos old.

Just keep in mind that it IS most likely submissive peeing.

"Submissive" doesn't neccessarily mean "scared".

Like those girls that flop over on their backs when you pet them. Not afraid, just happy and letting their guard down to show they trust you.

All dogs with good temperaments should be submissive to humans. I don't mean this in negative way at all.

We always talk about how we are the "pack leaders" and our dogs are our "pack". Well, this is one way they are showing us that is in fact the case

I agree with you breeder. As my mentor always taught me, we are close to doG to our dogs.

There is no reason she won't outgrow it Mike unless it's a medical problem which I doubt OR the Gnomes got to her. . Did you bring them with you to N.J.?

Seriously, a recent move might have thrown her off some. A new home, a long ride from California and a change of scenary. You know better than all of us how much your family has been through with a coast to coast move. I do hope you and your family are enjoying & settling into your new home-farm. It's absolutely charming.

Re: EIP ???

well, after your introduction as the hall monitor there, I think all the mean people peed their pants and ran...yay!!!

But all kidding aside, as you say...she will grow out of it.
I think all the responses really helped confirm that!!!

Re: EIP ???

The Silva's aren't in NJ yet - they move June 3rd (I think is the date), when the girls get out of school.

Re: EIP ???

Thank you for all of your input. I feel much better now that I have heard other stories.

Patty, is correct. We are still in California. We depart on June 4th at 12 Noon when the girls get out of school for the summer. We are in the final throws of packing ... Ugh!!! I can't wait for this to be over and settled in our new place in New Jersey.

Thank you again for all of your responses!


Re: EIP ???

Michael Silva
Thank you for all of your input. I feel much better now that I have heard other stories.

Patty, is correct. We are still in California. We depart on June 4th at 12 Noon when the girls get out of school for the summer. We are in the final throws of packing ... Ugh!!! I can't wait for this to be over and settled in our new place in New Jersey.

Thank you again for all of your responses!


Good luck with your EIP puppy, she'll get past the pp stage.

Happy travels to the Silva family. I heard the final move would be early June. I figured we're close enough to June on this Memorial Day weekend to send good wishes. I don't envy packing but it shall be over before you know it. You'll all be settled in your new, lovely farm-home soon.

Re: EIP ???

This is a different take on the EIP. After hearing a few horror stories about a certain dog food that I was feeding, I switched to Pro Plan. And no more puddles from my 4 1/2 month old female pup. I started a thread on here maybe a month or so ago, and was told that it was indeed submissive peeing. She didn't fit the normal "criteria" for a submissive dog, so I decided to look beyond what everyone was telling me. I had my eyes opened when I was forwarded a link through my email about Nutro dog food and the problems that some dog owners were having with it. I took all the Nutro I had back to the store, picked up the Large Breed Pro Plan, and the "submissive" peeing immediately stopped once a complete food switch was made. Coincidence? Maybe...