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Is it just coincidence? TVD/EIC?

I was looking over the list that Cathy set up as well as looked through some of the dogs on the Labradata lists. I am seeing a big correlation between EIC producers/carriers and those same dogs/lines known to have produced TVD.

I'm just throwing out a question, but have those people who's dogs have collapsed from EIC had echo's done to determine heart status? Just curious, no flames, but perhaps there is some kind of relationship between the two diseases.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Is it just coincidence? TVD/EIC?

My two EIC affected (by the test only, not collapsing) dogs are both themselves echocardiogram cleared, as are both parents of each dog (both are obviously carriers of EIC). My entire kennel is echocardiogram cleared (14 adults) and I have just three EIC clear, and the rest are carriers or affected.

There are a lot of popular sires who carry EIC. I think it's pretty presumptutive to say that there is a correlation with TVD, especially when so few are doing EIC testing.

Re: Is it just coincidence? TVD/EIC?

Maybe dogs that we thought had TVD, really have EIC?