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For those who do Rally and/or Obedience...questions!

Are there certain qualities you look for in your labrador to see if he/she will be a good canidate to start seriously getting ready to compete in rally or obedience (more interested in rally, personally)? Also, how about agility? Do boys or girls seem to have more interest in doing these types of events, or is it more based on the individual dog? Do boys seem to have more 'grit' for the agility, or are there a lot of females competing as well? Thanks in advance! Looks like my little conformation pup (10 months) is flunking out of the venue, so we are onto new adventures!

Re: For those who do Rally and/or Obedience...questions!

Speaking personally, in a litter, I want the little one with gumption. The one who falls off the step and gets right back on, another thing to look for is a natural desire to mark or retrieve. Some pups 'have it' and some pups are trainable. I prefer the ones who have it, as they enjoy it more.

I've placed show picks because they didn't have enough drive or desire to work. My most recent show pick has turned out to be a lump on a log, where his less than littermate who is still nice is much more a go getter.

As for sex, I prefer to work a boy, but that's just me. Girls are a touch more challenging, but their attitudes make up for that. Boys are just more amenable to do as you ask, which I wish carried over to the human male as well.

Re: For those who do Rally and/or Obedience...questions!

JMO - 10 months is way too soon to give up on your dog for conformation. Our 5yr old boy was BUTT UGLY at 10 months but grew into a very nice looking boy at about 2 yrs +. Give it some time - were his parents slow to mature??? As for rally/obedience, again JMO, it depends on the individual dog. I know people who do both and have had great successes with both sexes. See if there is/are a group(s) in you area to chat with and remember.....don't over do it pls with your 10 month old if you choose to work on rally.

Re: For those who do Rally and/or Obedience...questions!

I have put both Rally and Obedience titles on both a male and female. Personally, I found the male much harder in the initial competitions because he was so distractable, sniffing the air for an intact female. Also, when young he wanted to mark in the ring. However, there is something very loyal about a male, they love to please you. After the first 2 shows he was much more focused. He just placed 2nd in Rally Advanced with my 13 yo handling him, he beat some adults who are professional obedience trainers! He also placed 2nd in all his obedience classes. My girl placed 3rd in obedience.

I like the middle of the road temperament for competition showing, whether it's hunt tests, obedience or rally. Too much drive is hard to control, too easy going hard to motivate. Stay away from a totally independent, "I ignore humans" attitude. Like someone mentioned before, great retrieve drive seems to go with high bidability. Rally is a great place to start because you can talk to the dog.

As far as agility, boys and girls do equally as well, although I must be honest and say I have seen very few conformation type labradors do well with agility, some are just uncoordinated and clunky with the all the jumps.

Re: For those who do Rally and/or Obedience...questions!

Thanks all.
Anymore input?

Re: For those who do Rally and/or Obedience...questions!

I have advanced titles on both male and females. I personally prefer the boys. Even intacted ones, I have not had a problem with sniffing, marking, etc. It's all in the training. They don't mark just anywhere period. I like a dog with a lot of interest in the whole world, confident but not extremely dominate. I have "breed" labs that are excelling in obedience at the top levels. I really like a nice looking Lab that can work. I do get my Labs from either someone who competes so they understand what I am looking for or I look for advanced titles behind the name--UDX, MH. When I am looking for a dog for competition, a CD, JH, RN don't mean much to me cause like I said I want a dog that can compete at top levels.