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pregnant girl got someone elses pill......

My girl who should be 2 weeks pregnant at this point, got into someone elses food on the counter today and there was a one pill in a piece of meat.
It was a Metacam (sp?).
Should I be concerned? Will this have a negative effect on her unborn pups if she is pregnant?

Re: pregnant girl got someone elses pill......

Here's the support # from my Metacam box: It's 1-866-638-2226. I happen to use the oral suspension for my dogs. I'm not familiar with the pill form of Metacam (Meloxicam) Best of luck. I hope your girl and babies will be OK.

Re: pregnant girl got someone elses pill......

I called and of course, they're CLOSED!
Thanks for the number though. I guess I'll try again tomorrow during business hours.

Re: pregnant girl got someone elses pill......

It's too late now but if it should happen again you can always make them vomit with hydrogen peroxide-you need to do it within an hour before it starts to be absorbed.

Re: pregnant girl got someone elses pill......

You can always call animal poison control at (888) 426-4435 - they do charge but I think it is a moderate fee (like 35 bucks) and it is worth it for the peace of mind.

I think your girl will be just fine by the way, it was just one pill and it is relatively safe, but please check with poison control.


Re: pregnant girl got someone elses pill......

I would wonder if it would affect the blastocytes at all since implantation does not occur until day 18. I would be sure not to allow it to happen again though, please report back what the manufacturer of Metacam says after you call them.