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ED Info Needed

I have a dog who had ED surgery about 4 months ago. He still has days when he limps and he seems to want to lay down a lot. Is this normal after 4 months?

Re: ED Info Needed

what kind of surgery, arthroscopic or arthrotomy? Have you spoken to your vet? How long did you have to leash walk him after surgery? Is he on any anti-inflamatories?

Re: ED Info Needed

He had arthrotomy surgery. I had to walk him for 6-8 weeks on a leash, very little activity. He is on adequin shots. He swims and is doing more activity now. It has been almost 4 months since the surgery.
I have a call in to my vet and I will speak to him tomorrow. He gave me some Rimadyl (sp?) to give him but I have not given him too many. I am worried about the side effects. I have been so careful with him I was hoping for better results I guess. I am so worried and discouraged.

Re: ED Info Needed

My vet had owned a Lab that had arthrotomy surgery. He said never again. My labbie had arthroscopic because of my vets recommendations. (I took the dog to a specialist for the surgery as my vet did not do arthroscopic procedures) He still could develop arthritis as the cartilage was very damaged, though supposedly it can regenerate to a certain extent.

I've heard good things about adequan loading. I have also read interesting reports about type II collagen for arthritis. Rimadyl can cause problems, but sometimes you have do do what you can. My vet gives me scrips for Meloxicam, since I can get that inexpensively through the Target/Walmart program.

I wish you the best for your boy.