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She's in season, he's not howling

Now I am worried. When my oldest girl was in season in February, my boys howled for days. I was ready to shoot both of them. My 3 year old girl was at 5.2 on Friday and everyone is quiet. (What do you mean I am never happy? ) I am worried that something is wrong with her & the breedings we did yesterday and today will be for nothing. Is this normal?

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

JMHO From experience, 5.2 is toooooo early.

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

Actually if her female was 5.2 on Friday then Monday/Tues was right on...Good luck with your girl

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

By experience, progesterone test can fail as many times as it can hit the real number. I would repeat or breed again on Thursday. Boys know better

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

I agree. I think the boys are the best indicator. I would be breeding her again when the the boys tell you to.

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

Sounds like you are right on with your breeding and counts. My boys are fairly quiet, so I would never know that way. But I count on the numbers. Bet you are fine.

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

FWIW We ran a progesterone Monday, the day of the first breeding. The level was 20.0

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

Maybe you were asleep when they howled.

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

I had the same experience recently. Bred my 3 year old girl and my young guy didn't make a fuss or whine or bark once while she was in heat as he typically would about one of the girls in season(BTW he is getting better about it, has toned down quite a bit, but still, he usually gives some indication he knows which one is in heat). I had the same afterthought as you. After we did the AI (chilled semen from an outside dog, not a side by side to our boy), it dawned on me that our boy never showed any interest and I was a bit concerned about that.

We did one AI, 3 days post ovulation (same as you) and happy to say xray yesterday showed at least 8 puppies!

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

Sleeping during howling???? Not unless you are comotose!

Re: She's in season, he's not howling

Thank you, Same Here. You give me hope.

P.S. Sleep through howling? You gotta be kidding.