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absorbing puppies

anyone ever had a bitch that repeatedly absorbed her puppies? needing advice.

Re: absorbing puppies

Possible pregesterone problem??? If possible, consult one of the repro specialists.

Re: absorbing puppies

Carrots can help if the problem is low Progesterone Levels.
If you really want puppies from this bitch, get her to an specialist.

Re: absorbing puppies

Try contacting Marina Zacharias at, she has some homeopathic stuff you can put your girl on that will stop the reabsorbsion.

Re: absorbing puppies

Contact Dr. Hutchinson.

Re: absorbing puppies

It could be a low normal thyroid level. She has enough of a normal level to conceive but to low to maintain the litter. My repro vet says it needs to be at 2.0 for the best success. She checks thyroid at progesterone time and then 4 wks into the pregnancy.

Re: absorbing puppies

Yes. I also learned that once they start, chances are they will continue each pregnancy (not always but many times). Happned to me and I was working with both my vet and Hutch.

Re: absorbing puppies

I had a singleton last year via C. and there was evidence of resorped pups.

Consult with Hutch. He never mentioned thyroid nor that chances are she would resorp with each breeding.

Anyone else heard that?

Re: absorbing puppies

I had a bitch many, many years ago (prior to my knowledge of progesterone, LH, etc.) that had a first, normal, free whelped litter of 11 puppies. Next litter - normal progression of pregnancy, 9 puppies, 3 stillborn. Third breeding - normal pregnancy until last week of gestation when she markedly reduced in size - prolonged labor with three stillborn pups whelped with indication of resorption having occurred. All subsequent testing, including thyroid function, was normal. Fourth and last litter - same as third with confirmatory x-ray during last week of gestation - one stillborn. Bitch was then spayed. Never had an answer and, luckily, have never had another similar scenario.

Re: absorbing puppies

Had thyroid checked on this bitch and it was well within normal range. She does have split heat cycles. Will come in for one day go out and then come back in 3-4 weeks later with a normal heat. She was bred on the 19th day of her heat cycle. We're going in on Friday for an x-ray to see how many she actually has, but she doesn't look big at all. Actually put her on antibiotics when she came into season the 1st time as a prophylactic measure. Thanks for all the input, it's appreciated. Yes, I really want a nice puppy out of this bitch. She is a BISS winner!

Re: absorbing puppies

I would talk to your repro vet or Hutch, but my first thought was that maybe her uterus is not in good shape and the puppies are not attaching well. If you do a surgical implant the next time - they could take a look at her uterus.

Re: absorbing puppies

She had a c-section before and everthing there looked normal. She wouldn't go into labor on her own so took the surviving pup by c-section. nothing abnormal there. I am using a repro vet too.

Re: absorbing puppies

Are you by chance on well water, or are you in an agricultural area where pre-emergent weed killer/insecticides have been sprayed? If so, you might want to have a lab test water and/or soil samples. Exposure to high levels of nitrates/nitrosamines can cause vitamin A deficiencies which can cause resorption. Just a thought.

Re: absorbing puppies

for starters,
what is her breeding history (how many previous litters, how many pups in each- live and dead, how many c-sections), how many times do you think she has resorbed litters (have you confirmed pregnancy and then confirmed loss with ultrasound), how old is she, has she had any previous health issues, what specific thyroid test did you do (a full panel vs just a T4), what has your repro vet suggested

Re: absorbing puppies

Is she on supplements?