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UTI after puppy shot?

Has anyone ever had a problem with urinary incontinence in a puppy after their puppy vaccine?

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

I don't see a vaccination causing a UTI or incontinence.

How old is this pup?

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

If she is peeing often and not actually producing more than dribbles, (and maybe pup is whining), then I would get a sample and have it tested right away..

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

She is four months old, she had vaccines almost three weeks ago. I know that vaccines can cause problems long after they are given, so I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else. She is my son's puppy, he will be taking in a urine sample to rule out any infection.

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

Does she have an inverted/tucked vulva? That could be causing it.

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

It is not uncommon for 4 month old female pups to have urinary tract infections. UTI's are not the same thing as urinary incontinence, however sometimes UTI's can cause what looks like urinary incontinence. Best thing to do is have a urinalysis completed on the urine sample. If it looks like an infection then the vet will prescribed an appropriate antibiotic.
As far as vaccinations *causing* a UTI-- not likely. However, vaccinations do stress the immune system (that is how they work) and it's possible that the puppy was more susceptible to an infection following a vaccine (or other stress, like going to a new home, etc)... but it is not the cause of the infection.

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

You bet it can cause a UTI...although not directly.
Vaccines stress the immune system as they are an attenuated version of a very real virus. A healthy dog can handle the immune assault from a vaccine, but a puppy has an immature immune system and he often undergoes stress at the time of many vaccinations; ie change of diet, change of home, etc. This is the reason that vaccines should not be given to ill or stressed animals: the MLV can either awaken and cause the disease you are trying to prevent, or in the case of this puppy, the immune system was sufficiently taxed to leave the puppy susceptible to bacteria.

Because of the above, I would try to treat this without antibiotics as the immune system will then be further stressed. Cystegen works very well and there are other effective products as well.

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

This happened to 2 puppies in our last litter. We gave them their 1st vaccine at 7 weeks and one went a week later to a new home. Later that night a female we kept started going to the potty box often and whining, by later that night she was very uncomfortable. I had some Albon and started her on that, she recovered quickly. Two days later the puppy buyer e-mailed to say that their puppy had a UTI and had been to the vet. He actually had a harder time ( maybe to male anatomy)developed crystals and was treated with antibiotics for some time. Our vet said what was mentioned before, probably not the vaccine itself but the stress of having it and everything else going on with them. I did read on the Internet that it is not uncommon for pups to get a UTI associated with the vaccine.

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

I actually have the same problem right now with my 4 month old female ,she is potty trained but today twice did it in the house and that is not her.When taken outside she pees three times!I found some liquid discharge(clear)in her x-pen,any ideas???

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

When was she last vaccinated? My son mentioned a clear discharge also.

Re: UTI after puppy shot?

She was vaccinated a weeek and a half ago and i watched her closely today and when taking her out to potty she will pee to two to three times.She didn't whine like yesterday and no clear discharge today....