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Boy Not Interested

I have a girl here in season ready to be breed. Brought in a male to use and he is not interested At All......At first I thought she might not be ready so I brought in another male and she is standing, flirting and begging to be breed. But the boy just looked at her and walked away. So we tried to collect him got about 2 cc's. Decied to wait til the next day so I could check the sperm at the vet. Again same thing, no interested in the girl, he would sniff her, lick her but and then walk away. I thought it might be where he is not at home but he is really comfy here, someone said maybe it is where he lives in a pet home...........he is 2 1/2 he should be interested.
So we collected again ran the collection rightinto the vets and checked it, about 3 life sperm and a few dead...........anyone have any thoughts on this???????

Re: Boy Not Interested

My girls will flag and stand for the male several days before they ovulate. My male will not bred until the right time.
Best bet would be to have her progesterone tested to know where she is in her cycle. You want her #'s to be at 5.0 for ovulation then bred two days after she hits this number...
Good luck and I hope it all turns out for you.

Re: Boy Not Interested

So, the sperm are pretty much dead? Have you used him before? I would have him checked for an infection.

Re: Boy Not Interested

Regardless of whether she is right on or not, even in 2 cc's, you should see a lot more than a few live/dead sperm. What did the vet think about his sperm?

There is of course, the progesterone issue and ensuring her timing is right, but I would also be concerned about the quality of his sperm. Even with a low interest, if you can get that much semen from him it should still contain more than that. I would try a good collection from him, and have it analyzed as well as do progesterone on her.

Re: Boy Not Interested

JMO - your stud may be a dud - at least right now if there's an infection and if not checked/treated....perhaps permanently.

Re: Boy Not Interested

Are you sure when you collected the male that he ejaculated totally? If you only collected the first portion there would be no-few sperm. The only way to tell if he gave you the complete ejaculate and there were no sperm when there should have been is to run a PSA (prostatic specific antigen) on the portion you did collect.

Re: Boy Not Interested


The first bit will be a bit clear, then after a few moments it will be a full collection.

Re: Boy Not Interested

I recently collected a 4 year old "virgin" male that I couldn't get interested in trying. It wasn't easy and I didn't even get an outside tie, but I managed to get 2 or 3 ml. I checked the sperm under the scope, and there was lots of swimmers, so I AI'd the bitch.

She had 9 pups and the owner is very happy.

Re: Boy Not Interested

If you want pups, I would say let the vet check him. Do a progestrone test on the girl and wait for the numbers. You might just be early. Collect and do an AI. If he is okay and the numbers are right you should get pups. Some dogs do feel better in their own yard. Others could care less where they breed.

Re: Boy Not Interested

Once had a dog that came here to stay while the owner was on vacation. Darn dog drove my bitches crazy. One day he'd try to mount one girl all day long. The next day it would be a different victim.

Fast forward....... We decided to use him at stud on one of my girls. She was in flaming season & he would not go near her. Sheesh! I hadn't progesterone tested her so took her to the vet. The vet declared she was definitely ready to be bred. The vet collected him & did an AI. Just one AI. Back home, he never would go near her. The result - 9 puppies. Go figure.

Re: Boy Not Interested

As for the first portion not being expected to contain sperm, I recently had Snoopy analysed at a well known Cdn. repro vet. They first tried to collect him without a teaser bitch. They got less than a 10th of a cc. Even that tiny drop of that first fragment was loaded in sperm. After we got a teaser he showed a very high libido and they got a full collection, it still looked good and they went on to do the full range of testing and it came out overall at 90%.

So my point is that I would still have him checked if that first bit wasn't looking too good. And I believe the OP said that they did get a collection and took it in and it still didn't look good. I agree that he should see a repro vet and find out if there's a way to improve his sperm count and viability. Good luck to the OP.

Re: Boy Not Interested

Thanks for all of the suggestion. I have an appointment Saturday morning to start some testing on him...............