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Show potential puppy

I've been in touch with a breeder for the past 4 weeks. He's willing to sell me a 6 month old boy as a show potential. Last week I saw a 5 month old picture of this boy and littermates with the nursing mother. I noticed some kind of tape on his legs and asked the breeder about it. He told me that this boy was a swimmer puppy and I shouldn't worry about it because it's common & his mother was one too and she is OFA fair. I've done some reading and the info seems to vary. Some articles say its genentic and others say not, but some also say they shouldn't be bred . I haven't seen this pup in person only recent pictures, but I'm not going to be taking a 3 hour ride until I get more information. I'm not looking for flames or names, but has anyone had luck showing a pup like this?

Re: Show potential puppy

Even though most puppies recover completely, a lot of them get bad hips.
Personally, I would never buy or keep a swimmer, it might be genetic.

Re: Show potential puppy

We've had and kept swimmers, whether they were that way naturally or from getting too much nurishment from being in a small litter. Although we use egg-crate foam instead of tape, those pups have always turned out wonderful and have not had hip problems right up through 15 years old.

Re: Show potential puppy

If you are going to be put off by a 3 hour ride, than you probably should not be getting a show pup anyway. 3 hours is a piece of cake!

Re: Show potential puppy

I'm curious, do you have any resources to back that up, "that a lot of them get bad hips".

Re: Show potential puppy

Tape on his legs at 5 months ? Is that a typo?

Re: Show potential puppy

I'm with Gregg on this one, that is a very broad and reckless statement to make. I have had several swimmers over the years , and NEVER, EVER did anyone of them turn out unsound. I too would like to see the research you have found to back up such a remark.

Re: Show potential puppy

I would not be worried about the tape, but I would ask if he has done prelims, or if he minds if you do them. I may be sceptical, but I am just wondering why he is letting him go now?

Re: Show potential puppy

I was wondering why a 5 month old litter was nursing as well

Re: Show potential puppy

I read it that the PICTURE was 5 months old... so it was from when the litter was 4 weeks? Not tht the DOG was 5 months old???

Re: Show potential puppy

Yes it was an older picture from when the pups were about 3-4 weeks old.

Re: Show potential puppy

Not sure what articles you are reading about swimmer puppies not being sound orthopedically. I've had several pups that were "swimmers" and they've all grown up to be normal. I have a girl now who is a "major" away from finishing her CH and she was the worst swimmer puppy I've had and she floats around the show ring.

Re: Show potential puppy

I am still wondering about you being put off driving 3 hours, it sounds like you are making a commitment to get this boy site unseen. 6 months of age is a really crummy time to evaluate a boy for show potential. Sounds like too big a risk for me.

Re: Show potential puppy

It's not about the ride at all . I have seen this boy in person @ 9 weeks and liked him. My only concern it that I don't know much about swimmer pups and was worried about possible hip issues. Just trying to hear from breeders with past experience and if there was any health issues. Thanks to those who replied

Re: Show potential puppy

uh.....I have boy who just finished his title last Friday, whole litter were swimmers. He has a perfect rear. small litter(you have to watch those small litters, they get a little fatter are more prone to swimming.) But we braced them and made sure they had great footing (like carpet), and they were all up and running by 4 weeks old and it never affected any of them.

But I'm only one person with one experience. Hopefully you'll get lots of good input on this forum.

Re: Show potential puppy

Thank you Ann! It is starting to look promising

Re: Show potential puppy

And you need to look at this realistily, you have a 60/40 chance of any dog not getting to the show ring anyhow. That is why they are called show potential, and if it is a puppy, the odds are even less than that. If you think you can hedge your bets on every thing, you are in for a whole lot of disapoitement.

Re: Show potential puppy

I had a litter of 3, last fall, and the smallest one was born with a slightly flat chest. Somehow I knew he was going to be a swimmer, and was very concerned.

He did end up being one of the worst swimmers I have had, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. I just massaged his chest and worked his legs. I tried hobbles to no avail until he was about 7 weeks old. All of a sudden, he was on his feet and made a complete recovery. He is fine, now.

Swimmers have a immature muscle issue, and you just have to be patient. I wouldn't be afraid to buy a pup that was a swimmer.

Good luck in your decision.

Re: Show potential puppy

I do not feel swimmer puppies have any more hd than any other puppies. And I don't feel it is hereditary. I would be more concerned about seeing the puppy and watching the puppy move and going over it before buying it as a show potential. I guess they could all be show potentials since I know of some puppies that were not that nice as puppies but turned out well and visa versa. So good luck and not to worry about the tape. Look at the parents and their parents and other siblings and see how they turned out. Ellie

Re: Show potential puppy

I am not as worried about the swimmer as much as I am worried about the background of the parents. The dam is an OFA fair, in my book that is not the best start for the show prospect. Do some research into the backgrounds first.

Re: Show potential puppy

First - I have never had a swimmer in a small litter only the big ones. That is just my luck.

Second - By 9 weeks my swimmers were up and running around normally. They also have never been one of the better puppies. Also, tape on his leg at 5 months? Isn't that a little old?

Third - I knew someone who had a beautiful bitch who became a Champion even though she started as a swimmer. So I guess that is an example of success even though the start was bad.

At 6 months you can go ahead and get some x-rays on him to make you feel better there. Also at 6 months, if he looks good I would bet he will only get better. It wouldn't matter to me if his parents were OFA fair, good or excellent just so long as they pass.

Those are just my thoughts (opinions).

Good luck.

Re: Show potential puppy

OFA Fair on the Dam is an "non issue" for me.........

I wonder at 9 wks you visited / saw the litter in person? Pup looked / acted fine......Breeder did not mention the swimmer experience then? Breeder has run on this pup himself til 6 months? correct.......I guess if I trust / respect this Breeder the pedigree etc.....etc ;-) then I'd "go for it"

I've had swimmer pups over the yrs and NEVER had joint issues in later in life.

hope the pup works out for you!!

Re: Show potential puppy

Fair is passing and if the dog comes from generations of passes with littermates having passes it is NOT an issue. Nothing wrong with a fair grading!

On the other hand as to the dog being a swimmer i've had swimmers that did pass hips and those that didn't, I don't think being a swimmer is the reason some didn't pass, just the luck of the draw so i'd go for it if the dog is a nice one with a sound pedigree behind him.

I am not as worried about the swimmer as much as I am worried about the background of the parents. The dam is an OFA fair, in my book that is not the best start for the show prospect. Do some research into the backgrounds first.