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Ingen hair collection

I'm not sure if I understand how to put the hair on the sticky paper. The root ball goes out side the paper or inside the paper? Sorry, I don't get this one. TIA

Re: Ingen hair collection

You stick the hair on the paper with the rootball sticking out. Then fold the paper over to hold it.

Re: Ingen hair collection

Put the hair on the sticky part of the paper with the root ball in the middle of the paper - not on the sticky part. Then fold the paper over the root ball back onto the sticky part - this protects the root ball.

Re: Ingen hair collection

I guess I doesn't matter where the roots go? Thanks

Re: Ingen hair collection

I seem to recall reading that the glue contaminates the DNA on the root ball. I folded the paper in half to hold the hairs in place, making sure that the root balls were sticking out.

Re: Ingen hair collection

I also left roots hanging out but did put each sample in a zip bag with dogs name on it.
I would have worried about the sticky glue messing with the roots.

Re: Ingen hair collection
