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Sudden ordinance enforcement

I need ideas about how to house a few of my dogs (5-6)somewhere else for a few months until I can sell my house and get a new property where I can have all my dogs. Regular boarding would ruin me.
I have 1 month to "solve" the problem.
I want to know if there is something there I can do before asking friends and family.
Any ideas that might easy my pain?

Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

Sorry you're having trouble. Friends are for helping. Ask them.

Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

Believe it or not, your family and labrador friends are some of the best people in the world. Don't rule out dog lovers who may be puppy owner's of yours or even a relative's neighbor. You will probably need to split them up as one person will probably not take all your dogs, but they may be willing to take 1 or 2 to help out. You never know, you may might be able to return the favor or help out a person in need in the future.

Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

Perhaps if you let us know where you are located we could all help with better advice. Different locations offer different opions.


Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

find an attorney. they can do wonders in a case like this. it is not a big deal, they will be honest with you if they can help. the ordinance enforcement still is a legal action and when it comes to legal issues lawyers are your best friends.

Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

I would help with contacts or whatever, but please let me know where you are. Thanks

Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement


Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

LOL, yeah really!

just me

Re: Sudden ordinance enforcement

Not secret enough if they got caught with to many dogs.