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Absorbing puppies

This is an update and thanks for everyone's input. Had her x-rayed and we have one puppy, again. This is her 2nd litter, having only 1 with resorbtion in the first litter by means of what was found in the uterus at c-section. No I didn't do an ultrasound this time, because I lost my job and didn't see it as a necessity. Repro vet said he thought what I did this time around was good. Won't know if she absorbed any other possible puppies unless we do a c-section. Not sure whether to try and let her go on her own or just do a c-section and try to get the puppy out under a controlled situation. I live almost an hour from vet so waiting for her to whelp on her own, I could loose both her and puppy. I am on well, but not in agricultural area and we filter our water. Not on any supplements other than vitamins daily. One puppy may be the extent of her litters. Any other input is welcome. Thanks

Re: Absorbing puppies

So sorry to hear it's only one... can't tell you what to do on the whelping sinse your so far from the vet but I would advise you to contact Marina at, i've had dogs that reabsorbed and put them on her protocol and had full litters.

Re: Absorbing puppies

You probably won't like what I have to say. I wouldn't give any daily vitamins, they are unnecessary and can cause problems. Does your dog get plenty of sunlight every day? The amount of daily sunlight a dog gets prior to ovulation can affect fertility. Is she in the house most of the day? Sunlight can play a significant role.

Well you never know, she may have more than one, they can miss some on her x-ray, it happens. Your vet may be the best one to help you decide about a c-section or not. I was told that singletons will have a 65 day gestation and too much calcium during gestation can cause uterine inertia. No yogurt or cottage cheese.

Good luck in your decision and best wishes for a safe delivery.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I always do c-sectons for 1 or 2 puppies. For you, I would say it depends on how important it is to you to save this one puppy. I look at it this way - if she has primary inertia and you don't get to the vet in time - you end up doing the section to get it out - and it may not be in time. So, you've paid for the section and you have no pup.

If it is important to you to get this bitch bred, I would be sure to check her out thoroughly a few months before she comes into heat, in case she has something that needs to be treated - you want to be sure it's gone before the next breeding. The repro vet should have a checklist for her to try to find out why this is happening. You might also need to try fresh semen with a surgical implant to improve her chances of multiples. Of course, that is jumping the gun if you don't have all the other reasons checked out.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I think it is better to plan a c-section (not nearly as expensive as an emergency one at 1 am on a Sunday morning. There is nothing worse than attending a bitch trying to whelp a giant singleton puppy. I have managed but the delivery was protracted and painful and the puppy dead. I have known others to be more successful and others, tragically, to be less successful. With the distance you live from your vet facility it would be too much of a gamble for me. Good luck-whatever you decide.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I'm going to start taking her temp at least 3 times/day per the vet starting Wednesday. Possibly do a progesterone on Friday, if it's down we'll take the puppy Saturday. If it's still up I'll continue to take temp and we'll take for sure on Monday. Saturday is day 63 from 1st breeding and MOnday is day 62 from second breeding. I'll let everyone know how things turn out.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I went thru this with my last breeding and know how stressful it is for you.

Progesterone began to drop but then went back up on day 65. Dr. Hutch advised not to wait any longer. My pup was born alive but with a weak heart beat and unfortunately did not make it. We worked on him for over 30 minutes with CPR, oxygen, epinephrin (sp) magnets etc. My girl also had signs of resorption. We even sent it out for a culture. No bacteria.

Prayers for you and your girl for a healthy pup.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I wouldn't count from the date of the breedings. Hopefully you know when she hit 5.0 and count 63 days from that. Best of luck to you.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Most of our girls go by day 62, so I hope the Friday test results in a c-sec for Sat.