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Any new puppy toys

Anything new out there for these very chewy Labs.
We have Kongs, tires, with and without ropes. We have the balls, which always get the handles chewed off. Real bones once in a while, hoofs once in a while. Chewys when I can watch the whole time. Pups toys needed, 5 months to a year. Love new suggestions.

Re: Any new puppy toys

The thick braided ropes work well. My 9 month old monster hasn't been able to destroy one yet. Kongs are like biscuits to her. She can put dent in those. Just bought a new big pink pig at Petsmart today. She has a name but she's still in the car. I'll let you know what it is when I go back out. It was rated a "7" for toughness. We'll see how tough she is when she faces my wild thing.

Re: Any new puppy toys/Chronicles of Polly Piggy

Her name is Polly Piggy. She is described as "a perfect playmate with little pink flowers and plenty of panache". She is said to be extremely durable with 4 rows of stitching and four layers of material. I will see how Polly Piggy stands up to "Puppy X". My money is on "Puppy X". I think Polly's tail and ears are in immediate danger. Stay tuned!

Re: Any new puppy toys/Chronicles of Polly Piggy

Hi Lisa
Sounds like your describing a "Tuffie" toy. We have several, and Labs from 16 weeks to 14 far I've only thrown away 1. I bought the extra tuff Tuffies, can be washed in the washer and they float. Really good buy for us, but the favorite so far is "Air Kong Squeakers" far, fingers crossed, even my 2 yr old hasn't been able to destroy. They seem to just enjoy playing with the air kong toys, not trying to devour like they do the Tuffie toys. I have a Jr Tuffie for the 16 week old, she loves it, carries it around the house like a trophy.
Best of luck with Miss Piggy
Lisa M

Re: Any new puppy toys/Chronicles of Polly Piggy

Eagerly awaiting an update on Miss Piggy....

Chronicles of Polly Piggy

I am eager to see how Miss Piggy holds up too. Please keep us posted. I will have to get a few for my girls.
I have a few Kong Wubbas that are on their last leg.

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

The best toy ever! Link won't copy correctly. Look for this toy on They think you should get one for your hamster & suggest it could be for dogs too. I don't know about hamsters, but my dogs LOVE this thing.

Jolly Pal Fun Ball - Hamster
Price starting at: $10.95

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

Polly Piggy, Day 2:
Polly Piggy's right front foot was injured last night during a battle with "Puppy X". "Puppy X" removed part of the black piping holding the bottom of the foot together and removed very large pieces of batting from the small hole. She looked very cute with the batting coming out of her mouth, like a Santa beard. Polly's left rear foot is slightly injured, but not bleeding at this time. Yes, she is a Tuffy toy. Interestingly enough "Puppy X's" father still has his Tuffy Frisbee he's had for almost 2 years. I guess "Puppy X" must be rated a 10 for toughness -- Mega Strong -- The Tuffest!
I will stitch Polly's foot and send her back out to play.
Stay tuned!

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

P.S. "Puppy X" has beheaded every Kong Wubba in the house.

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

Lisa too funny

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

hahaha! I say we all mail our tuffy cadavers to the Tuffy people- say everyone mails them on the same day! hahaha See how tuffy they are then!!

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

Day #3
Polly Piggy and Puppy X had a relatively low key day yesterday. Puppy X has been hanging out with Rabbit. I did rescue Rabbit from her crate last night. If I wouldn't have Rabbit would have been nothing more than fluff in the morning. Puppy X has a way of taking things into her den in a very sly manner. When her face looks funny (funnier than usual) it's because she's holding something in her mouth and trying not to move a muscle. We have started a collection of her gatherings and there are some mighty strange things in there.
Polly's stitching is holding up but Puppy X has just found the end of the piping and is working on it as I write. More to come...

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

I had a dog one time get his lower canine teeth stuck in one of the holes...... caution

I like some of the Planet dog Orbee toy(reasonable on ebay).
nothing is labrador proof in my opinion (well maybe stainless steel).

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

We are going to Petsmart today. Thinking we will have to get a Polly Piggy for our babies. I can't wait.

Re: Chronicles of Polly Piggy

This is a funny light hearted post. Enjoying it.
They are so thrilled to have a new toy. The minute you turn your head the operations start. Nose off, ears off, think they just want the empty toy. Have seen some of those at shows lately. Flat toys, no stuffing. Look like road kill. Funny.