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Getting puppy back for stud fee

I was wondering, if I needed a stud and offered 2 pick male or female out of the litter. Plus, the stud owner could include only their kennel name on their chosen pup would this be acceptable to do? More or less does it matter to registering body who's kennel name is at the beginning of the pup's name?

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

it is something you can ask for but unless the stud owner really like your bitch it is usually not worth the time and effort. It is just safer to collect the stud fee.

things need to be in writing, covering every possibility that may arise.
I did this once it 20 years and regretted it.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

I'm not sure what your saying. If your saying the stud dog owner wants 2 picks then that would be worth more $ then one stud fee. The stud dog owner doesn't have to like your bitch they just sell the puppies.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

I think this is a silly idea, unless someone out there is up for this. The kennel name shows where the puppy originated from and its pedigree.
Putting a different kennel name on the pup would not be correct nor truthful, if you bred the puppy.
If someone wants a puppy in leiu of their stud fee that is a different situation than you are speaking of. If you can't afford to pay a stud owner a stud fee for a breeding, you really shouldn't be breeding a litter. JMO. No flames.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

If you find a stud you like, you can OFFER whatever you want. That's up to you and the stud owner. There are no rules, only what the 2 of you agree on.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

"Putting a different kennel name on the pup would not be correct nor truthful, if you bred the puppy."

If 2 people agree on a breeding for a puppy back why couldn't the stud owner put their kennel name on it? I don't think there is anything wrong with that if it was already agreed upon.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

Ok, I've got a couple questions. I inquired about using a boy I like. He is a very nice Yellow, with a Pedigree I know and like. I think he would complement my bitch very well. I've done a breeding with lines similar and was very pleased with the outcome. I asked about stud fee, he gave me the price, but went on to say they would like 1st pick of the litter. How would I go about this ? This will only be my 2nd litter, my first litter I paid the stud fee, so I have no experience with "pick puppy". I've asked a friend, but she hasn't gotten back with me yet. My questions : Is it to much to ask, to have my kennel name with the pups registered name, if I decide to do the 1st pick ? How would I go about my Genetic and health Guarantee ? Do I give one with the pup ? Yes I would like to hold back a puppy from this breeding, if I decide to do it, but I know with breeding there is never a guarantee. Sorry for the questions, I'm just trying to get as much info as possible before I make any decision.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

I guess when I plan a breeding it is the intention of keeping the top couple of picks for myself to grow up for future prospects. Why foot all of the expense, time and energy put into a litter only to have another person take the pick? Just does not make sense to me.

As a stud owner myself, I would rather receive the stud fee and tell the litter owner (if I am interested) that I would possibly interested in buying a puppy from the litter. I did just this and got a lovely little girl that was actually 3rd pick but lovely non-the-less. I did not feel any pressure to pick if there was not a puppy I did not want and the litter owner got to keep what she wanted.

Personally, I would tell the stud owner, that I would prefer to pay the fee and then if they like a puppy that is available once they are old enough to evaluate, perhaps they would consider a puppy at that time.


Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

I guess when I plan a breeding it is the intention of keeping the top couple of picks for myself to grow up for future prospects. Why foot all of the expense, time and energy put into a litter only to have another person take the pick? Just does not make sense to me.

As a stud owner myself, I would rather receive the stud fee and tell the litter owner (if I am interested) that I would possibly interested in buying a puppy from the litter. I did just this and got a lovely little girl that was actually 3rd pick but lovely non-the-less. I did not feel any pressure to pick if there was not a puppy I did not want and the litter owner got to keep what she wanted.

Personally, I would tell the stud owner, that I would prefer to pay the fee and then if they like a puppy that is available once they are old enough to evaluate, perhaps they would consider a puppy at that time.


Thanks for the reply. I didn't even think of that. I know, but since I've never done it before, I wanted to make sure I knew a little on what goes on with that option before ruling it out.

I also read the stud owners Stud Contract and found a bit to be interesting. They will consider only 2 puppies to be a litter. Is this common ?

Another part requests $350 be paid up front, and if the breeding was successful, the remainder be paid at the time the litter papers are signed. - that part I have no problem with, but it goes on to state that if the bitch fails to conceive, we would get a repeat breeding but would HAVE to pay yet another stud deposit ( it states we would have to pay 50% of the $350) and then the remainder of the stud fee. Now is that common ?

The stud I used before , is owned by a good friend. Her contract was very easy and very fair for both of us. Stud deposit of $200 and remainder at the time the litter papers were signed ; for her, 3 puppies made a litter. If we only got 2 puppies or none at all, she would give us a repeat breeding and then pay the remainder of the stud fee if the breeding was successful. I know it varies from one person to the next, but again, I'm trying to make a good educated decision, and not jump into something I would later regret.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee should weigh all options and do what is best for you. Just giving my thoughts on the whole puppy back in lieu of a stud fee perspective since I have been on both sides of the coin.

As far as contracts...I think there are many different versions. For example, I generally request for full amount up front and offer a repeat if the girl does not take or has 2 or less. This is just what has worked for me. Does not mean I would not be flexible with it...just seems to be easiest for me.

As a bitch owner, I have had many different options on stud dogs I have used in the past...everything from 100% up front to split fees. Some have guaranteed a litter of 2 live pups...some have not.

Do what you are comfortable with and most importantly choose the best dog for your bitch...not the dog that is most convenient. Again JMHO.

Perhaps your mentor or an experienced friend could help you look over the agreement and weigh pros/cons?

Good luck with your breeding.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

I cannot imagine why any bitch owner would give up the pick puppy of a litter , let alone the top two. Why breed your bitch at all? What's in it for you? If you are giving away the two show potentials , why put her through it? Unless you think the entire litter will be show puppies , NOT ! Not to mention , letting the stud dog owner put their kennel name on the puppies! That in itself is outrageous.
I've run on as many as three in a litter , to keep for myself, no chance they will all make it to the finish line.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

In would never agree to give the stud dog owner pick of the litter, you should be breeding for yourself first.
Pay the stud fee in whatever manner is mutually agreed upon. Then there is no future obligation for you. If there are several nice puppies and you decide which puppies you will let go then I would offer the stud dog owner "first right" to purchase one of the puppies at your regular full price. If it is a good litter with a solid pedigree that the stud dog owner can work with then the opportunity to purchase a nice puppy should be reward enough.
If you don't get a break on stud fee, then no breaks on puppy price and certainly NEVER EVER promise your top one or two picks unless you've had ample time to assess the litter.

Good luck

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

FWIW - years ago when I was showing and breeding German Shepherds, I heard of a lot more cases of a "pick puppy" in instead of a stud fee. Back then 2 puppies that lived 72 hours usually consituted a litter. And in most cases, one puppy constituted a stud fee.

We all about flipped out when a certain gentleman with a real up and coming hot young stud dog put in his contract that "stud fee will be one puppy IF the bitch had 8 or less puppies, two if she had 9 - 12 puppies, and three if she had over 12." AND it didn't matter how many died! If your bitch whelped 15 puppies and all but three died - he got the entire litter! WOWZA - and believe it or not, some people jumped through hoops to meet HIS terms! I never used his stud, but I know a few people who did.

I always pay the stud fee and keep what I like the best for me and my program.

Valerie - Bibsmom

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

And if you do give them a puppy, be prepared to suck it up when they give you absolutely no credit for producing that puppy if/when it goes on to win in the show ring.
They will tell everyone who asks that it's "their breeding" just because it's out of their stud dog
I've seen it happen over and over again and had it happen to me!!
Maybe a good idea would be to investigate their "business practices" from the past and see if you like the way they have handled other things.
Looking back, I must have been blind! LOL
Live and learn....

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

Some will put both names, but it is not at all uncommon for the stud owner to put their kennel name only on a service fee puppy back. The breeder is the breeder and that will be stated on the papers, so it is not really taking any credit away from the bitch owner who is the breeder of the litter.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

Thanks so much for the replies ; advice and personal experience are very helpful!! I do think I am just going to pay the Stud fee. I think it would be best for us both and it will save us from any future problems. I'll make sure to let him know that if he is interested in a puppy, he is more then welcome to choose a puppy after I have made my selection/s. Thanks once again for all the advice you all have been very helpful.

Re: Getting puppy back for stud fee

Stud Owner
Some will put both names, but it is not at all uncommon for the stud owner to put their kennel name only on a service fee puppy back. The breeder is the breeder and that will be stated on the papers, so it is not really taking any credit away from the bitch owner who is the breeder of the litter.

If the actual breeder is only stated on the reg papers you bet it takes something away from the person who actually did all the work of picking the right stud and raising the puppies and is not acknowledged by the stud owner when the puppy wins etc...