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Split heat

What exactly is a split heat? Thank you

Re: Split heat

My bitch will come in for a day then out then back in 2-4 weeks later like normal. I don't know if that's considered a split heat cycle, but it's certainly is difficult to figure out since she doesn't do it consistently each cycle.

Re: Split heat

A split heat is where the bitch shows external signs of heat such as swelling, even bleeding, etc. but does not ovulate. She will then usually go into a true heat with ovulation in the near (or not so near) future.

Re: Split heat

A split heat is where a bitch comes into season and then goes out before ovulating. There will be a short duration of usually a month or so before she comes into a regular cycle.

I had a bitch do that to me once. She came in heat in Oct, about the time of a specialty I wanted to show other dogs at. I didn't not show her but brought her along because I was going to breed her and wanted to keep a check on her progesterone levels. She showed all signs of heat, swollen vulva and bleeding. I monitored her progesterone levels via Camelot farms. She should have been close to the rise and ovulation. However it seemed liked the travel was enough to stress her. She never ovulated per the test and promptly went out of heat. She came back in heat in December and was bred January 1st. She had a litter of 6. It was her one and only litter. I bred her about 3 times after, timing her and all and she never produced for me again.

Anyway, hope that helps.

Dianne Mullikin
Rycroft Labradors

Re: Split heat

Thank you, one and all. My girl showed outward signs for a few days, also, acting very wanting, for the use of a better word. Now, nothing. I had a progesterone level done yesterday.

Re: Split heat, Antech

What do you think of Antech Labs for progesterone testing? I never used them before,