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Facial Paralysis

Does anyone have experience with unilateral facial nerve paralysis in a young puppy?

Was it permanent? Did it get worse or better? Was a cause diagnosed? How did things turn out as an adult?

Noticable onset was at 5 weeks with no observed trauma. No change in condition at 11 weeks. Pup can blink just fine at this point, but we are concerned that may change. His ear is lower set and he appears a bit droopy on that side, but otherwise normal neurologically and in every other way.

Thanks for any feedback.


Re: Facial Paralysis

I would check into a possible case of Bells Palsy. When one of my crew was diagnosed with this at the age of 12 our physician advised us that this case be in young pups as well.

Re: Facial Paralysis

Have you had the puppy checked for Horner Syndrome?
Hope it resolves and the puppy is ok.

Re: Facial Paralysis

Hi Julie. We experienced this with our boy at the age of 10 - it was almost like he'd suffered a stroke or something similar. He did recover for the most part but one side of this face & ear was always a bit droopier than the other side.

Re: Facial Paralysis

our madison had something similar...but she could NOT blink, only the third eyelid would close...did all kinds of tests....neurologist could not find a cause....we took her for accupuncture (2 others go!) and after two visits, all symptoms disappeared......never came back, it has been 3 years...might be worth a try...certainly cannot hurt.

Re: Facial Paralysis

Thanks. My vets have seen it in older dogs a lot, but not a young puppy. Was hoping someone on the forum might have had some experience with it....well, not that I wish they had this problem....

We have had him adjusted by a chiropractor and I have a call in to the accupuncturist. That is a good idea.
