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New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Well, Linda kind of stole my thunder, but she drove so she has that right. I did want to share Apple's good news, as I think she is a great story, thanks to everyone who has already sent their congrats. Six years ago she was a beautiful puppy, and began her show career by winning a major under a provisional judge. I remember thinking that was incredibly brave of that judge, so I talked to her about it afterwards. She said, "Well, I just read an article on breed type and it was so helpful, she just seemed to me to be just what it was describing." That article was written by our very own Maureen Gamble. So Maureen's teachings have had a positive influence on many. ;-)

Then she cleaned up in sweeps, and as an adult, our own Miss Jill gave her WB and BOW at PSLRA. Thanks, Jill! Claire Seinfeld did the same at RCLRC, and there we stopped. It has been FOUR YEARS! While I must admit I haven't shown her all that much, mostly just at specialties, I can't tell you how pleased I am that another provisional judge, Trudy Rose, was brave enough to give my wonderful old brood bitch her last point.

So there it is, if she walks in the ring again it will be as a Champion, maybe a Champion Veteran, and I will be proud of her grey muzzle and floppy boobies. And we will know, Apple and I, that there is no dog who can beat her to the ball over water. Especially if there is ice involved, she is impervious to cold. She leaves everyone in the dust on a regular basis, then comes home and plays auntie to every puppy she sees, with joy. She is one in a million, and I am very fortunate to have her at my feet. Good girl, Apple. :) Her story in pictures is at

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Awesome! Congratulations!

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

congrats on her championship. she is a beautful girl

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Great Story Becky! Many congratulations.

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Wonderful story, Becky. Congratulations to you and especially Apple .. Let's hear it for the "old girls who've raised children" !!

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

What a great story! Congratulations!! She's a beautiful girl

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Congratulations! I love it when the "seniors" KICK butt! Hugs from here!

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Congratulations, Becky! I can tell by what you wrote that Apple means the world to you. I always think the CHs and wins are even better when there's an emotional story behind them.

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Congrats, but I would hate to think of a 6-year old dog as "old"! For dogs that live to be 12-15, 6-8 is the prime of life!

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Oh, and I should also say that her last two litters, Apple had 11 and 12 puppies, all born naturally with no losses between 9 AM and 9 PM. I told you she was a good girl! :) I do think that raising puppies can make a bitch look worse than say a six year old that has no "kids." She is still active and athletic as can be, just has some wear and tear on the ol' undercarriage. Her mother had the same issue, a very low hanging undercarriage, judges always commented on it. Bob Ennis overlooked it, tho. :)

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Big congrats to Apple and everyone involved. She is a lovely ol' Gal!!
Well deserved!!

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

congratulation, becky and apple! Way to go! hope to see you both next year at Potomac!

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Becky Congrats on Apple's Championship !! I still remember watching Apple's mom Twinkle at the dog shows back in the day. I saw her before and after she had whelped a couple litters at the shows. Any bitch who has whelped 2 or 3 litters and still possess a solid topline while gaiting around the ring says alot about that bitch's conformation. It looks like those Twinkel " Apples " didn't fall far from the Labrador tree

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Dearest Becky and have brought many tears to my eyes,fond memories and many smiles and much pride. As you know "Charlie" Apples dad died young of bloat, I never even "froze" him You've brought back warm fuzzies about Charlie, yes, he loved all puppies too and spent much time trying to get them to play in the pond with him! If they would not he would take a "bumper" drop it on one side of the pond, then run to the other side so he could swim to retrieve it. I only wish Apple was at my feet now, but Becky YOUR TREASURE makes me smile in my heart

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Nancy, thanks for writing, I know Charlie was amazing. Apple looks very much like him. Most of my friends know I'm not really a "chocolate" person, I never really bred FOR the color, the gene just seemed to follow me. But for Twinkle's last litter her co-owner really wanted an all chocolate litter, and I remember saying to her--well, there is ONE chocolate that I saw a few years ago in the puppy classes at Potomac that was one of the best dogs I'd ever seen, and he just happened to be chocolate. Voila. Thanks, Charlie! :)

Re: New OLD Champion--Apple! Thanks, Jill, Claire, Trudy, and Maureen. :)

Becky, I just wanted to say CONGRATS again, Apple is truly a magnificent example of the breed--and I love your great story! Well done. ~Nancy