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puppy buyer looking for full registration

I was recently contacted by a man from Rhode Island asking for a chocolate girl on full registration. I wrote back that I only sell on limited registration and he persisted to the point of being almost indignant that "How was he to get started if nobody will give him a chance?" I wrote back that he needs to show a commitment to labradors - join a club, go to shows and meet the breeders in person, ask questions, etc. I then wished him luck and thought that was the end of it. Did he let it go? Nope. Another email this morning trying to make me feel like nobody will give him a chance -- please, please, please. I deleted it and blocked his email address. Enough is enough. So, be forewarned... and be careful.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

SAME GUY...........initials "G.G." ??? Contacted me in late April..........over the course of several days.....he went from pleasant enough to close
to being out of control..........this went on and off for almost 3 wks

I was careful not to really P#$% HIM OFF...he scared me abit word since 2 wks ago....til Monday...he wrote asking me for an "update" on a puppy, sounding almost "nice".

I have NOT answered that one and will NOT

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

"I deleted it and blocked his email address."

This seems to happen with alot of breeders . Maybe you should have took a little more time and explained to him the importance of getting involved and maybe advise him to start with a boy.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

Sorry, I forgot to mention -- he said he has a 19 month old boy -- he specifically stated he wants a girl on full registration so that he will have the option to breed her. The problem with this guy (yes, initials GG) is that he will not take no for an answer and each email gets increasingly less polite. I blocked him - darn right!

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

Yikes! Thanks for the heads up! I have heard from him too. I explained about limited registration and sent the link to the AKC site. His boy would be too close to breed to my pedigree anyway. He did come to the Labrador Fun Day put on by the Pawcatuck club.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

sounds like he is daring about the breed.
Did any of you offer the possibility of starting with imited and changing at 2 years after all clearances are done. That would give him two years to learn even more.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

I offered in the course of the MANY hrs I spent with this "odd ball" many, MANY options.........He always had a snide remark or excuse as to why this or that just wouldn't work for he and his family.

He sent me pics of his 18 month old male........saying he was being neutered soon " the dog NOT the Man" :-)) I was able to track down / figure out the pedigree.........I literally spent a good 10-12 hrs on this "Gentleman".......

Anyone that thinks they can "help" him and actually does has my ADMIRATION

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

What you should think about is that this person will get a female lab eventually. Will he get a good one ? Probably not....... Will he then bred to a good lab ? Maybe,but without someone to help him,probably not.
So,in the end, what have you now done to protect the breed? What have you done to educate someone trying to breed? Something to think about.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

This guy sounds very agressive. As a newbie I understand that careful, reputable, and experienced breeders do not want to sell to just anyone. I showed obedience and rally and visited the conformation rings first. I also visited specialties. Some breeders began to recognize me and even offered that they would be willing to sell to me. Other breeders were more reticent but gave me excellent advice on reading material and one even referred me to this forum where I've learned so much. I think a little understanding and patience and respect for breeding practices on his part is in order as a beginner. What kind of breeder will he make if he expects anyone and everyone to sell to him with breeding rights? He'll end up selling to anyone and everyone also.

Thanks for warning us about GG

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

He will most likely get a female from somewhere as mentioned above.

I had a buyer wanting to breed/no experience. I explained all that is involved, clearances, money, heart ache, etc. and that my pups are limited reg. Buyer agreed to this after many conversations and sent a deposit for a pet pup.

4 weeks later buyer emails that they got a black female pup from a breeder around the corner (I suspect I know who this breeder is and pup is on open reg) but hopes I will keep them in mind when they are ready for a male pup and to please return their deposit.

Obviously they will be breeding the 2 dogs eventually but they certainly will not be getting a male from me.

I will gladly return their deposit because this is a blessing in disquise. Had they purchased a female from me they most likely would have bred her against my spay/neuter contract - even on limited.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

old timer
What you should think about is that this person will get a female lab eventually. Will he get a good one ? Probably not....... Will he then bred to a good lab ? Maybe,but without someone to help him,probably not.
So,in the end, what have you now done to protect the breed? What have you done to educate someone trying to breed? Something to think about.

While all of us aspire to protect the breed, I find it preposterious that you are trying to make me feel guilty for not allowing someone to bully me into a full registration. I am sure he will find someone willing to sell him a puppy on full registration, but it sure as heck isn't going to be me.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

Suspicious Mind
old timer
What you should think about is that this person will get a female lab eventually. Will he get a good one ? Probably not....... Will he then bred to a good lab ? Maybe,but without someone to help him,probably not.
So,in the end, what have you now done to protect the breed? What have you done to educate someone trying to breed? Something to think about.

While all of us aspire to protect the breed, I find it preposterious that you are trying to make me feel guilty for not allowing someone to bully me into a full registration. I am sure he will find someone willing to sell him a puppy on full registration, but it sure as heck isn't going to be me.

Good for you!

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

Some people will just not listen no matter what you say, they are going to do what they want to do. He doesn't want help, he wants to bred.

Yes, someone will sell him a female. But It sure wouldn't be me, I am not watching one of my pups be bred the crap out of. And with his temperament I am sure a lot of other problems will go along with it.

Some people have good intent others do not.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

I also spent many hours on GG, those are indeed his initials, and yes, he was at fun day all day. He wouldn't even pay the 7 dollars to get in the door to support the club, but did stay all day. He misrepresented himself as a puppy person just wanting a pet so I talked with him but realized quite quickly his motives. Then seeing him at fun day all day, I wanted to warn everyone, but just figured I would keep out of it and people would realize the danger involved themselves. Beware of GG.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

and how 'bout the "newbie's" you DO give a chance to and suddenly they are self proclaimed "guardians to the breed" and start telling YOU what you should and should not do

this guy sounds like he could easily turn into one of these jerks. Pushy already - red flag - and telling YOU what will and will not 'work for him' - BIG red flag - HA!

He should BE so lucky if anyone gives him a chance and adhere to their terms and keep his mouth CLOSED and absorb their knowledge and guidance!

oh I'm so sick and tired of these new, wanna bees....I've had it. I don't deal with them anymore. I can be a very helpful, knowledgable source but boy, start getting too big for your britches and I run away very fast!!!

Steer clear of this guy. he is trouble before you even get started.

off my soap box now, I feel better, LOL

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

This is indeed an interesting thread. Agressive behaviour (on the part of GG) is indeed to be avoided. I am a REAL neophyte to the world of labs compared to so many here. I have been very fortunate to have been lucky enough to have a very prominent breeder take me under their wing, sell me lovely dogs on an "open" registration and provide ongoing support...

BUT I recognize that I have A LOT to learn, ask questions, etc. So to that breeder - THANK YOU for the trust you've placed in me.

And on a different note from a health care perspective - GG sounds like he might be a bit unstable - be careful.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

Tell us again what area. He might move out with his calls. Could you even give a first name ? I get calls from all over. Many states away. What color is he looking to get ? Female you said. Thanks.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

Tell us again what area. He might move out with his calls. Could you even give a first name ? I get calls from all over. Many states away. What color is he looking to get ? Female you said. Thanks.

He indicated that he is from Rhode Island and is looking for a chocolate female on full registration.
It would be libelous to mention his name on this forum - but as indicated in the previous posts, initials are GG. I am sure he will expand his search beyond the New England area so hopefully enough people will read this post and be forewarned.

Re: puppy buyer looking for full registration

you know, whenever a conversation turns into the puppy buyer sounding pushy, that's a red flag, either they are desperate, or unstable. Steer clear.