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Home Again


For those that microchip their dogs do you just do the microchip or do you pay for the Annual Membership plan yearly?

Re: Home Again

I believe that if you register thru the AKC animal recovery program ( it is a
one time fee instead of yearly fees thru Home Again.

Re: Home Again

If I have this correct, it is my understanding that Home Again has a one time fee just to register.

If you want them to post flyers, etc. if your dog is lost - that is one of the benefits of paying a yearly fee. Not sure what the rest are.

I pay the one time fee and can still list my dogs names, pics and description, age, etc. on the site.

I can't get on their site right now to check (they seem to be having problems with log in) but if I remember correctly you can also list your vet's contact info with the one time fee.

Re: Home Again

might be interesting to know, that finnish kennel club has all records of all litters (all registered dogs, and most our dogs are registered with our one and only FKC), as every litter is microchipped prior to registration and prior to leaving the breeder´s home.

as the vet checks the litter the microchips are added and all paperwork done, 1 copy for breeder, one for FKC.

no dog can enter any show, field test, tracking etc, without microchip or older dogs might have the tattoo. also all imported puppies/dogs have microchips and EU/or international passports. no dog enters any show etc, without owner presenting health documnents and valid vaccinations, only done by vets.

and we have the webpage specially for lost/found dogs, cats etc...a place for quick help and information to act, updated with info learned by earlier cases, how our animals act and behave. just one click away.