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Peter's Out

My girl came into season around May 21st. Did a natural breeding on May 30th. Tried again on June 1st. My male seemed to give up. Again on Tues., male gave up. I had progesterone done on Tues. June 2nd it was 11.2. Went to breed again tonight. Male starts, gives up. He'll mount, give a little effort and then stops. Female is very cooperative. If someone can explain this, it would be gratefully appreciated. I have bred these two before and got three ties every other day. Got seven puppies. As you can tell, I'm very new at this. Any suggestions?

Re: Peter's Out

Collect and inseminate, worry about details after your bitch is covered.

Re: Peter's Out

I will, just curious about the behavior.

Re: Peter's Out

She may be ovulating, but not giving off enough scent- they don't always have a high enough estrogen (estriadol?) level to have scents needed for him.

Re: Peter's Out

Maybe he got her. It's not uncomon, if she got bred on the right day for the male to give up.

Re: Peter's Out

Could he have gotten injured during the breeding? A sensitive stud dog will back off if it hurt the first time and not risk re-injury.

Re: Peter's Out

So if you got ties what are you worried about? It seems that people don't give stud dogs nearly the credit they deserve. How in the world do we still have millions of unwanted puppies in this country without people doing AI's to get them. JMO

Re: Peter's Out, XXV

XXV I guess you didn't read my initial post, or second post. I'm not worried about getting puppies, I was curious about my male's behavior. Thank you for being sooo understanding.

Re: Peter's Out, XXV

Perhaps he is used to being collected ? Some dogs become very lazy , and literally just stand there and wait for "it" to happen. Maybe not, but with limited info , this did cross my mind.

Re: Peter's Out, XXV

Well, I came home from work tonight and my husband informed me that my male and female were in a holding pattern for about 15 min. I didn't tell him to put them together, being a man, he didn't think, put them out together. I'm just glad my male is OK.