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Not eating much, what do I do?

Hello all, I have an interesting problem. About a week ago, my 18 month old intact black boy started slowing WAY down eating. Granted he has never bolted his food, but always ate at a much quicker pace than he is now. What he used to eat in 5-10 minutes now takes him a good 20 minutes, and that's only because I push the issue. He also will only eat about 1/2 of what he normally used to. I feed him Pro-Plan Large Breed, do a morning feeding and evening feeding. He used to eat 2 1/2 cups each feeding but now I'm lucky if I can get 1 cup each feeding into him. He eats a piece or two at a time, leaves the dish to go poke around nearby a little, then comes back for a bit more. I had him to the vet the day before yesterday, and was told that he may have a virus possibly picked up at a recent show, or maybe my 7 month old female could be coming into her first heat. I'm a newbie, and she's the only female I have besides a 3 month old pup I keep separated for now. My male has never been around a girl in heat before, but don't worry... everybody is well separated so we don't have any "accidents". I've been showing this boy extensively, and have several shows coming up this month including a Specialty. I don't want him dropping weight, as I have him at his optimum now. I've tried changing food, to no avail. He isn't vomiting, stool is normal. Any opinions? Anybody experience this?

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Could be that he just doesn't need the larger amount of food anymore.

Try giving him just one cup morning and night and see what he does with it.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

That's pretty much what I have been doing. Since there's really no explanation medically as to why he's doing it, I've just been trying to get him to eat what I can. He seems his normal self, no change in demeanor and hasn't seemed to have lost any energy. His temp is normal, he isn't dehydrated and is drinking well.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

That or if you find he is not needing the extra cups but you want to retain the extra calories and protein place him on ProPlan Performance. My show dogs get 3 cups a day all all maintain their weight very nicely and that is from my 8 month old to my 5 year old.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

So is this also a possible indication that he's not going to be growing much anymore?

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

When you had him at the vet did they run blood work on him, run a tick profile, check a stool sample etc?
Will he eat a larger volume of food with more vigor if you offered him cooked chicken/beef/rice?

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

This just doesn't sound right to me. I would not think that a 7 month old bitch coming in heat would cause him not to eat.

Did the vet check his mouth for a bad tooth, sores, stick stuck somewhere?

I do have one finicky bitch that has to have BilJac (which I understand has more sugar in it) or she won't eat. Maybe he is tired of that food?

Maybe his stomach is bothering him, I would try a Pepsid to see if that would make him feel more like eating.

Have you changes the place where he eats? I have one girl that will only eat in her crate - she feels more comfortable there.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Is it hot where you are? Sometimes when it gets too hot they don't want to eat, try cooling him off before you feed him, put a fan on him for about a half hour before you feed him. I've also noticed that some dogs when they hit puberty will get picky about eating for a while and then they get back to being piggies after a while

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

My Vet has always been very good about examining my dogs, even if they're just in for a vaccination. He is very understanding about what I'm doing with my dogs, and realizes what they are, where they're from, and has always treated them as being special. He did a 100% thorough check on him, including what you all mentioned, with the exception of doing bloodwork. I was told that if the problem persisted for longer than the next couple of days, then to bring him back in and bloodwork would be done. His gums are nice and pink, no fleas or anything like that(I use Advantix), he has had his Lyme vaccination and heartworm meds religiously. No noticeable pain anywhere. He will devour treats, but like I said, I did try a food change to see if maybe that was the problem. Same thing...nibble, nibble, go poke and sniff around, nibble, nibble, then just quit eating.

It hasn't been exceptionally warm here, maybe mid 60's in the daytime, and nothing has changed recently. He does share a kennel with a spayed female Doberman as well as a neutered male Beagle, and he has always eaten meals with them. No doggie competition, all get along well and this boy I'm concerned about is the top dog in that group anyway. His coat is still shiny, and other than him not eating well I wouldn't think anything was wrong. It's just wierd.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Try using a little chicken broth to wet his kibble to entice him. He might just be pulling the old, "I just don't like that food anymore, Mom" shenanagin.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Before getting yourself into a mess of having to always doctor his food, I would only offer the food for a short period, and remove it. If he doesn' eat it within 10 minutes, it goes away.

You have said his weight is good, he looks good, acts normal, so skipping a meal or two won't hurt, but might make him appreciate supper time : )


Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Before getting yourself into a mess of having to always doctor his food, I would only offer the food for a short period, and remove it. If he doesn' eat it within 10 minutes, it goes away.

You have said his weight is good, he looks good, acts normal, so skipping a meal or two won't hurt, but might make him appreciate supper time : )


That's what I was thinking, as he's a solid 80 pounds. I'm new to all this, and he is my first show dog with real potential. It's just frustrating that I have him entered in quite a few shows this month, and I don't want all my hard work to go to waste just because he seems to want to be picky about his food .

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

It could be hormones. My 15 month goofball is doing the same thing. Changed food once to see if that it what it was and there was a small improvement, but not much. Clearly not the food. I have talked to several breeders about this and they say it's not uncommon. I also take the food away if he doesn't eat.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

I agree with MK, the worst thing you can do is start adding stuff to entice him to eat, you'll have hell to pay to get him to just eat his dry food later. Might want to try swimming this guy for some exercize to see if that will get him more hungry, the good thing about doing that too is he'll be nice and fit for the ring.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Thank you to everybody for your wisdom, It's nice to have somebody to turn to. Although some of my issues and problems seem silly to non-dog people, I know all of you understand and are willing to help with advice when needed. I wholeheartedly believe in the saying "the only stupid question is the one not asked", and again say THANK YOU ALL!

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

I would feed the dogs together, you will know when it is time to separate them should she come in season, The competition for food has them competeing to see who can finish first..Mix a little water in the food to moisten it and it will be gone faster that you can blink and they will be checking each others bowls for a crumb left behind. It has always worked here. Each dog knows its place to wait for their bowls and will sit until they get their food. It is kind of like Thanksgiving, you work so hard and it is gone in a flash.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

I do feed him with 2 others. And I do moisten it, I always have. They've never had the foodrace mentallity, I normally run a tight ship with mealtimes to keep my daily routine on time. I feed my 2 girls first, then this boy and my fiance's Doberman and Beagle.

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

I have had the same problem with my 15mth old He had been a great eater and as soon as he started to smell that one of my girls was coming in he was no longer interested in food. He only picked at it. Now that the girls are done he is back to eating. but I feed 6 dogs on the patio in separate bowls, while he eats his food real slow my six month old is waiting for him to walk away so she can take over his bowl but I do not allow her to and him just knowing that if he doesn't eat, then his food will be enjoyed by someone else is enough for him to finish his entire bowl. He was eating around 4cups a day before the girls came in season while they were in season I was lucky if he ate a cup now that we are over that he is back up to 2 1/2 in morning and 2 1/2 in evening.
I was stressed over this and almost supplemented with something for a better taste but I decided not to do it and I am glad. We just had to get through that. I am much happier now

Re: Not eating much, what do I do?

Same Problem
I have had the same problem with my 15mth old He had been a great eater and as soon as he started to smell that one of my girls was coming in he was no longer interested in food. He only picked at it. Now that the girls are done he is back to eating. but I feed 6 dogs on the patio in separate bowls, while he eats his food real slow my six month old is waiting for him to walk away so she can take over his bowl but I do not allow her to and him just knowing that if he doesn't eat, then his food will be enjoyed by someone else is enough for him to finish his entire bowl. He was eating around 4cups a day before the girls came in season while they were in season I was lucky if he ate a cup now that we are over that he is back up to 2 1/2 in morning and 2 1/2 in evening.
I was stressed over this and almost supplemented with something for a better taste but I decided not to do it and I am glad. We just had to get through that. I am much happier now

This sounds EXACTLY like what I'm going through now. I suppose I'll just have to wait it out for a bit. If he still doesn't eat in a couple of days, back to the vet we go to rule out other problems. Thank you all!