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Guys I have a 9 year old choco boy that is one of my pensioners and has an elbow with arthrosis, I have tried all, adequan shots, remadyl and most of the latest and greatest new meds and nothing seems to work, has anyone had any success with anything that I would love to know about??? Thanks in advance! I dont mind the slight limp I just want no pain.

Re: Arthrosis

Why not look into stem cell therapy? I've heard it is doing wonders with ED and the cost is not that high in many areas.
Good luck with your boy, it is sad to see them in pain

Re: Arthrosis

Hi, I just checked into it and here in Spain, I can plain forget it, the closest would be Germany and the Ukraine. Is there a place in the USA that you know of that does these treatments / surgeries?, the economics dont come to play here at all and I have resources to house the dog while in the US, as I lived there for over 50 years! Can you steer me in the direction of knowledge here!! Thanks

Re: Arthrosis

Breeder in Spain - Not to be confused with SPANIARD!
Hi, I just checked into it and here in Spain, I can plain forget it, the closest would be Germany and the Ukraine. Is there a place in the USA that you know of that does these treatments / surgeries?, the economics dont come to play here at all and I have resources to house the dog while in the US, as I lived there for over 50 years! Can you steer me in the direction of knowledge here!! Thanks

I know someone doing this for HD with success on an 11 yr. old Lab. His vet drew the fat cells via surgery and ships them to a Vet university where they are prepared and shipped back to the vet so the vet can do the injections.

I am not sure where the university is located but hear is a link to a story of a Golden with successful stem cell. The Lab processing fat cells is near San Diego California and the name is given if you want to contact them.

If you choose to do stem cell I wish you all the best and please let us know how your boy does with it.

Re: Arthrosis

I forgot I had saved this info in my archives. Check out this video of a GSD having Stem Cell Therapy.

Re: Arthrosis

Thanks to all! In a matter of hours I have versed myself well in the stem cell process, having the luck that a dear friend and also the vet that took care of my clan in Florida, Jon Dee, (a renown authority on bone issues) is accredited by Vet-Stem! This gives me a very confortable feeling and I will be doing the process to my boys elbow and hip real soon. Im to talk with him later today to finalize things. I will keep you all posted on the whole process and progress! Like I said this boy is one of my two pensioners and I will do whatever needs to be done! ARRIVA BEAR!

Re: Arthrosis

Great! Prayers it is successful. Please keep us posted.

FYI - the dog I know was not helped tremendously by one injection but the second one about a month later showed much improvement.