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The Migration Continues... Day 2

OMG! A Load Of Crap! There is a God! I Must Be Out Of My Mind!

Got a bit worried about the dogs in the middle of the night – must have been those 2 cups of coffee – so I crawled out of bed and moved the van from the back of the hotel closer to our room. On my way through the Wal Mart parking lot, at 3 AM, to turn around the van and U-Haul, I discovered an distribution center. Who would have guessed all that stuff came from here! I was glad I moved the van as it was a bit warm inside so I started the air conditioner to cool off the 3 Frenchies. We snuck Andre into the room! Naturally, the Labs – all 6 of them were happy and content.

OMG!!! – Woke up this morning around 6AM in Fernley, Nevada to a continued torrential downpour. I, typically, love the rain, but not when I am driving 3,000 miles. Will it ever end!?!?

Got down to the van and opened the doors only to find the 6-month old puppy had provided me with a load of crap and other bodily fluids! Closed the door to the van and went upstairs to retrieve Kim. She held the baby while I cleaned out the crate. Yuck! Took her over to the hose and washed her off (the puppy, not Kim). Was thankful it was pouring as it helped with rinsing her off. By the time I got back to handing Kim the clean puppy I was soaked to the bone as there was no overhang where the hose was located. All I could chant to Kim was I will remain calm and it is all worth it! Right!?!?!

We got all of the dogs watered and exercised and went back upstairs to the room to take a shower and wake the kids. We were thankful for the continental breakfast even though the bagels and muffins were designed for the munchkins in Oz. I guess Best Western hasn’t heard of the concept of super sizing yet! As we were enjoying our multiple muffins and juice we met 3 nice young gentlemen who were here for a car race. They each owned a race car that ranged from $60,000 - $80,000. And I thought our hobby was expensive!

We went back to our room on the second floor to collect our things. As I approached the door out on the horizon was a Starbucks. All I could think was – There is a God! We hurried over to get our jump start for the day and hit Hwy 80 East once again. The drive was “eventful” through the rest of Nevada and Utah as we hit rain, heavy winds, thunderstorms, and lightening. When we came over the hill to Wendover, I thought Alyssa, the dogs, and I were goners as the U-Haul started swaying out of control from what seemed like 60MPH winds. I luckily was able to get it back on the road with a little help from driving lessons from my father. Thank goodness he still watches over me!

We finally made it to Salt Lake City to enjoy one of the best Mexican dinners we have had in a long time. And yes, even though I have just lost 15 pounds on the low carb diet with the day I had I was surprised I didn’t eat the damn table! We were all content and ready to go so we jumped in our vehicles and drove 3 more hours from where I write you now at 2AM – Rock Springs, Wyoming.

We hope to make it to Omaha, Nebraska tomorrow which will mark the halfway point from California to New Jersey for us. I keep thinking I must be out of my mind, but then start getting excited about the pitcher of margaritas Scott and Heidi will have waiting for us at our new home!

Cheers to you all and thank you for the well wishes. I am certain it was all of you as well that enabled us to survive today’s events. Most importantly not crashing in Wendover, Nevada!

PS: The hens remained in California with our neighbor the avian vet. It was only legal to transport them across state lines and into New Jersey if we planned on cooking them upon arrival! I thought Kim was going to faint when she heard that!

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

I'm just roaring at these blogs, this is the best and funniest "load of crap" on this forum , ever , I mean ever, ever ! I'll be sorry when you finally arrive ! Now darnit Heidi , don't you drink all those 'rita's before they get there !

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

Great travel log...I almost feel like I am in the van with you guys! Hope you have a safe trip. Destiny & London send their love!

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

It'll all be worth it when you get to that fabulous farm in New Jersey! Drive safely through the thunderstorms forecast in the area today!

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

Thanks for the AM laughter.
I can't wait to read your book about your adventures through life. You ARE going to write a book, aren't you?

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

BTW, Kim, you must live a very interesting life with Michael.

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

What a way to start my day, a cup o' joe and this thread... love it!

Those muffins..I think they refer to them as "fun size?" I think a giant muffin would be more fun, but no one asked me

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

Okay everyone, the Silva's new home is OFFICIALLY opened! "All Welcome....All Welcome...come into the light children" LOL LOL or is that "stay away from the light" LOL

if we all hurry we can jump on the new furniture and all the beds before the Silva crew show up!

We've got a KEG of rita's made - Deb can you bring some mexican snacks and a bunch of those little drink umbrellas? and Val can you bring the pool floaties? Sarita, is the webcam set up yet? and fire up the grill, we've got fresh chickens! oh wait, there back in CA

and some REALLY bad news Mikie, I think I saw a few of those stupid gnomes hanging around down by your pond trying to eat your coi

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2


You are a Hoot!!!!!!!!!

I need directions. Send up a gondola to see so we can head in the right direction.

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

I'm just laughing my head off ! Heidi, you got it -snacks are on me . Have new camera, taking pictures , blackmail material for later !

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

Michael I can help you get more hens. That is besides the ones here!!!! My neighbor has exotic birds and various types of farm birds including an EMU. He is very nice and can give you contacts here for birds if you need it. You might even want a few guinea hens. I know they are PITAS but eat all the ticks and are great guard birds!

Keep the blogs coming as I am sure it helps you as much as it is enjoyment for us. See you soon.

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

Michael keep up the blogs. It has been so much fun reading about your adventures every morning! KEEP ON TRUCKIN' or I guess in this case KEEP ON VANNIN'!!

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

I don't know what you do for your day job, but you might want to look for a job as a writer:-)Your posts about moving are highly entertaining:-)

Can't wait for the next installment!


Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

This is freaking hysterical - can hardly wait to see how all this turns out. After a trip like this falling down the stairs after a pitcher of margueritas would not be beyond imagination!!!

Re: The Migration Continues... Day 2

OMG, Michael. What a great account of your extreme adventure---you ought to be a writer. LOL!! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us... Be safe! ~Nancy

I'm praying for a safe trip, Kim and Michael! I just moved too and it's exhausting!

I hope your day is a good one today!! ...Just focus on your beautiful new home....well,that is, after you get through the disorganization of unpacking! (the mess of which, I am still in the midst of and it's the pits! :o)